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I'm so excited

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They are so cute.


It was funny when we had to pick them up though as the Barnevelder didin't want to go in the box and she ran into one of the chicken coops, we got her out in the end and the Cream Legbar was a lot easier to get in.


They're settling in nicely and have been wondering around their run and exploring their house. The Barnevelder likes to sit on the ladder up to it and then the Cream Legbar has to jump into the house, (she's so little she has to use the ladder though!).


We had to cut down their ladder slightly as the rungs stuck out too much and as one of them sat on the edge it wobbled slightly, but they're happy.


Starlet was getting to know the Cream Legbar by wandering up and down the run when she was outside-not that she took any notice!!!


I think they're both outside now, I wonder who will explore their washing up bowl dustbath first?

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I managed to pick up the Barnevelder last night once she'd gone to roost and the Cream Legbar this morning. They really are sweet and cheep to each other. I'm still not really sure on what to call them yet, but I think Molly might be a good name for the Cream Legbar, but I have no idea about the Barnevelder. I usually judge it by character.


The Barnevelder is quite cheeky, she likes to sit in the doorway of their chicken coop and look out and then poo on the step to the house and she's fairly quiet and small at the minute.


Any ideas?

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