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Awwww lovely! I want pekins when my newbies move into the cube. The mk2 will be empty then & that's where the pekins will live. Claret has said I could get 6 pekins in an eglu!

Where did you get thems from Laura? Oh and will they be ok to go outside in an eglu at 8wks? Just wondered for my future reference!


Congrats on the new assortment, can't wait to see piccy's!!!



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Emma, i got them of a friend of the family. She doesnt normally sell to the public, but i will ask her if youd like.


TBH, there not in the best condition,




I will post some pictures later. The 8 Week old ones Chirp like baby chicks, well i spose they are chicks.


There not allowed out of the 'wooden house' for a week or so, and cant go in with the other big ones really for 6 weeks. bless them there TIIIINY.




The cream Legbar has no neck feathers and his comb doesnt stand up, If given him lots of food and some chicken spice.


Any Ideas???? His name is french - Alaine


Said Al- anne


Love L xx

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