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The Bantam of the Opera

what is it?! [picture]

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Looks like a boy to me as well :?


Perhaps he won't crow too loudly if he is a bantam - although our bantam cockerel is the noisiest of all ours - and he plays "I can crow louder than you" at unearthly hours :roll:


If it is a cockerel, he will give you quite a bit of warning if he is going to be loud, so I would wait and see what the neighbours say.

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okay thankyou everyone, so far his crows have been quite quiet and pathetic, i couldnt hear them unless i was outside. so in think if he doesnt get any louder than this he wont be a problem.


also, ive heard that cockerels can be extremely protective and viscous if theyre with females, is this true with all cockerels? :(


he escaped today, flew out of my little sisters hands, and we had to chase him all around the garden. was half amusing, half exasperating. :lol:


thankyou again.

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Ive got a bantam cockeral, and hes not too noisey. Hes fully grown about 9-11 months old.


We do put him in a cat 'vet' box at night though and he lves in the out building.


If you REALLY want to keep him you could do this


also, my cockeral doesn crow all day, i think this is because hes a bantam, he does about 7 -8 crows and that it.


Mine never ever been argessive, but i keep my beady eyes on him around seth!

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:roll: Don't talk to me about amorous boys..... cockerels that is... 'Chick' was seen treading his surrogate mum the other day :? Neither Lesley nor I are sure how old he is, but I reckon about 8-10 weeks looking at him. While he's obviously a boy, he is still cheeping and far too young to be getting those ideas!!!! :roll:


We'll keep him until he's old enough to fend for himself with the bigger chook back on the farm. Chick is a mongrel, so destined for the pot.

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