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Meet Toby - the newest addition to our family






He's a nine year old springer who thinks he is still 2!! After a month at the kennels we have had to take him for 2 huge walks this afternoon - about 6 miles in all and he has finally calmed down. He is very quiet ( unless he sees the cats ) and quite well behaved. Looking forward to getting to know hin better now :lol::lol:

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How lovely! My pup is still limited to 20 minute walks twice a day, I think I'm glad now looking at your 6 miles!! :shock:

Good on you taking on an older dog what a lovely thing to do. All my previous animals have been rescues, all of them adults. I hope he settles in and you have a good first few nights with him.


Mrs Bertie

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We had a wonderful first night with him - not a sound = he sleeps in hte hall and wont come up the stairs at all ( not seen before or not allowed before we dont know) Found out that he can retrieve really well and knows some commands. Only sound we have heard him make is when he sees the cats so we are working on desensitising him - he can see them but not get to them and if he doesnt bark he gets lots of praise. He is bigger than we thought and soo strong but he is so soppy. He is all scarred on his nose and ears where the dog he lived with had a go at him on the car into the kennels. For a nine year old he is still a big baby!

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Just thought I would share a picture of my two Springers - Morgan (black & White & uber intelligent) & Barkley (brown & white & daft as a brush!)


Obviously completly exhausted after a hard day chook supervising :D


Congratulations on your new arrvial, Springers are such a wonderfully loving and rewarding breed!

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