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Just wondering if anybody else has problems with water pooling under the tray in the eglu? It happens with both of them. Is this going to be a health risk for the girls? I poo pick every day but only give the eglu a full clean once a week. This is when I am noticing the puddle (before I have cleaned it, obviously!). One of the eglus seems to get the problem worse than the other.

Any idea what I can do to keep them dry? I can't change the angle of them as they are fixed to the outside of the permanent run

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Ohhh, how wierd! :shock:

I cleaned my eglu today and noticed the same for the very first time.

Pulled out the tray and there was a load of water underneath.

Very odd, as it has never happened before :? I'm certain that I had dried it all off properly after last week's clean. Saying that though, we have had a lot of rain the past week, so I will keep an eye on it to see if there are any obvious leaks that can be plugged up.

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I have to say that I never experienced it with either of my eglus which were out in all weathers - and especially on the 'wild' exposed site up my allotment.


You could put Hemcore or Aubiose in the tray which will soak it up and dries out quickly. There would not be a health risk I shouldn't think - as it is well ventilated.


I guess you have checked that they are level.

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Just wondering if anybody else has problems with water pooling under the tray in the eglu? It happens with both of them.


Not with my Eglu, but I do get it on one side of the Cube. The gaps that side are more than on the other side. But it's not much and the girls don't get wet feet. They aren't complaining so I just mop it up and its OK.


I wouldn't worry a lot if I were you, especially since it's under the trays and not really causing any hassle. There's nothing that will rust under there I don't think!

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I get water under the poo tray as well. I have hemcore in the poo tray itself so that's ok. I only give my eglu a proper clean out once a week too. Poo gets picked out 2 or 3 times a week

It doesn't seem to cause a problem. I always dry out the eglu with an old towel after I've cleaned but I still get water when I take out the poo tray.

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