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Recycling - Is it getting you down? (Rant)

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That's reaslly good Fred :D


The only thing that annoys me about ours is that they only collect household rubbish fortnightly - doesn't bother me because there's hardly anything in ours, but people with babies are left with bins overflowing with nappies, and people like my neighbours, who don't/can't/won't recycle have a wheelie bin fulll, plus black backs lined up in their front garden. :roll:


Richard, it's very poor that you have to pay extra for that service.

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That's reaslly good Fred :D


The only thing that annoys me about ours is that they only collect household rubbish fortnightly - doesn't bother me because there's hardly anything in ours, but people with babies are left with bins overflowing with nappies, and people like my neighbours, who don't/can't/won't recycle have a wheelie bin fulll, plus black backs lined up in their front garden. :roll:


Richard, it's very poor that you have to pay extra for that service.


Perhaps that will encourage more people to use cloth nappies. I have two babies in cloth at the mo, and for a family of 4 with only the one bin we only half fill it a week and that including garden waste. I really dont understand how so many people have so much waste.

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I have four compost bins, but have a brown bin for the council for 'garden waste' in which I put hedge clippings etc. I have to pay £36 per year for this to be taken away monthly.


do other folk have to pay that sort of money - I think its pants![/quote)


We don't have a green collection at all!

We can however buy green bin bags for £1-00 each :shock:

They aren't as big as a large bin bag - you would never fit 2 boxes of grass cuttings in... :( My grass cuttings alone would easily fill 6-7 of those bags :roll:

I shred and compost as much as I can but I've always got a heap of bags to try and get to our "local open 2 days a week " Skip :evil:



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I have to pay £36 per year for this to be taken away monthly. do other folk have to pay that sort of money - I think its pants!


We don't have to pay anything for our bins/boxes/bags to be taken away..... BUT we do pay £222 per month in council tax - at that price I reckon we should be getting someone sent round daily to wash and squash all our bottles and cans and put them out for us :lol: .

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we had to buy our own plastic boxes to store glass, tins and plastic as our council only provided big skips in certain areas of the town and you had to make a special trip to them which meant storing everything at home at our own expense (i.e. the boxes bought to store it all in) our council only collected garden waste and paper.


I wrote to my MP stressing my concerns and 2 weeks later (coincidence? possibly) we were told we were going to be included in a trial for kerbside recycling and now we put plastci, cardboard, paper, tins and glass in our blue bin and it's collect every 2 weeks, it's so much better and more convenient.


All I can say is, try writing to your MP, that's what they are there for!? :)



this is what I wrote which you might want to edit and use??? We still haven't heard about the water butt but we have written to him again saying what is happening is very encouraging etc but what about the butt...



Dear Mr ******


I am possibly going to have to give up work due to ill health so we have decided to try and grow some of our own fruit and veg. We managed to get a compost bin for £9 via the council’s web site but we want to buy a water butt and they are very expensive and I cannot find anything on the council’s web site to say they help with the cost.


We decided to start recycling as much as we could a while ago and I contacted the council about getting extra bins to put tins, glass and plastic in, until we could collect enough to make a trip to the recycling centre worthwhile, but they wouldn’t help and could not even tell me where I could buy cheap bins for the purpose. They were really unhelpful as a matter of fact. So, we bought some plastic boxes ourselves and we make regular trips to the recycling skips near us, once we have filled our own containers.


It just seems to me that the onus and additional costs of recycling is all on the individual and the council, apart from collecting paper, do very little to help.


As our income is substantially reduced at the moment, I was hoping we could get some sort of help with the cost of a water butt. Please let me know if this is possible and if not, does the council have any plans to start being more proactive in the area of recycling and helping residents, especially those of limited means?!


It’s no wonder that most people don’t recycle or recycle as much as they should, because there is little or no encouragement or help from our local council.


I am considering writing to the local paper highlighting my concerns but will await your comments before doing so. I look forward to hearing from you





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