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eggs but not of the chicken variety

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I just don't understand it. Their marketing advice must be really bad! Cadbury's sell Creme eggs up UNTIL Easter and then stop! WHY?? Easter lasts for 6 weeks so there's plenty of time after Easter. My children are not allowed Easter eggs before Easter, but I have to buy creme eggs early or we can't get any.


AND they are my worst weakness. I can eat them for breakfast :!::shock: and at any time and I believe I could easily eat 6 in one go :!: I hastily add that I haven't tried. :oops::oops::oops:

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I'll send mine to you ginette too. I hate Cream Eggs. Horrible sickly sticky yucky :twisted:


January is a really busy month for me in the birthday department. I have 8 birthdays to shop for. The first one is Darren's on 3rd January. If I don't get organised & get his card in October, I've got no chance of finding any decent cards until after the sales at the end of January. It's a bit of a nightmare.


I popped into one shop just after christamas and they had a whole shelf of Valentines Day cards :shock:


World's gone mad.


Money money money. :roll:

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Valentine's Day :!::shock: That's always a rush as one of my daughters was born the day before (13th). That year I was so prepared I surprised DH in the hospital with a card and present on 14th, but it's been a struggle ever since to get ready. Too much cake and cards around.


We then get clogged up again with 2 more birthdays, Mothering Sunday and Easter all rolling into weekly celebrations in March/April. Aaaaaaagh! I look forward to June when all the children have had their birthdays and I can relax a little!

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We're all busy though, aren't we? I don't believe anybody sits around with nothing to do. * remembers Sarah* last year - I've done all the housework and now I'm bored! At 9am!!!* Maybe there are a few then! But not me!

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The small size cadbury's creme eggs have less filling to chocolate and I think they taste better. They are sickly, but I am partial to one or two (only one at once). Dare we go into the how do you eat yours debate? I liked to eat the fondant centre with a spoon when I was little. :oops:

I saw some just before Christmas in the shops. I think they should be available for longer, but after Easter.

I saw some chocolate orange eggs one year that came in a little egg box with a spoon, it appealed to me. :D

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