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Zeus being a soppy apeth!

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I am so so glad we gave this lovely boy another chance, talk about Good With Children, check out his grin!



Getting a back rub to die for.....



Playdog :shock: (he sleeps like this)



Scary Zeus! Its the nozzle of the Poo Vacuum we clean the fields with, he seems to think it is going to devour him, very :lol:



"What is that dog doing?" :lol:



Sorry about the pic quality here I was messing around with camera settings, anyway here he is in graceful pose again relaxing after a hard day on the farm



American Bulldogs rock!

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@ SH he is my friends horse he is a Clydesdale X Apoloosa he has 2 black legs and 2 white and changes clour with the season from bay-roan to silver dun!

@Olly yes indeed I have a poo vacuum its the best thing I have bought for the farm by far, bit worried if I used it on chooks they would get sucked in!

Thanks for the kind words everyone

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Zeus is fab! 8)


He is obviously loving it down on the farm - good for you for giving him a chance. :D


Teddy & Poppy sleep upside down like that - it does make me laugh. :lol:


Pop & Ted have duvets with covers but they usually find their way into the covers and get snuggly and get stuck so we have to help they out! :roll:



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