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love spoons

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I have lots of love spoons. I started collecting them about 10 years ago. I've not tried carving any yet but I love the symbolism associated with them eg:


heart - steadfast love

horse shoe - good luck

lock - security

bell - wedded bliss

diamonds - good fortune

flowers - affection

links - linked together forever (ahhh!)

anchor - settled love

cross - faith

ball in cage - number of children

key hole - my house is yours


Have a go and post some photos when you finish, won't you :D .

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oh no! :shock: its always trhe nicest things that disappear! :cry:


i am scheduled to have a go at making one with my grandad over christmas so fingers crossed the design i have isn't too elaborate :?


oh.... and i love the new pants kate (i havnt been on for ages so you've probably had them for yonks!) :roll:

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erm........you could be right :?


edit: I just Googled Love Spoons and the first page it showed was fine.

This site www.cadwyngifts.com had this list of the meanings...


BELL Weddings or Anniversaries or Together in Harmony.

BALL IN CAGE Love held safe or number of children.

BIRDS Love birds or Lets go away together.

CHAIN A wish to be together forever or, Number of children.

CROSS A wish to have faith in Christ Jesus or, A wish to be bound together in Christ or A wish for God to bless.

DIAMOND Wealth or Good fortune.



KEY/ KEYHOLE Security or I shall look after you.

KNOT / CELTIC KNOTWORK Eternal love or Together forever or Everlasting.

LOCK Security or, I shall look after you

TWISTED STEM Two live become as one, or, Togetherness.

DRAGON Protection or Symbol of Wales.


This site makes mini lovespoons as wedding favours..........



Most of the sites have a history of the spoons....


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Something* made me think of this link and do a search. I found this book




which seems to have instructions on how to make lovespoons. Anyway, I've ordered it so if you want to wait a bit I'll tell you what it's like - not that I'm an expert on woodcarving, but it's about time I gave it a go.




* that something is the fact that next Friday the 25th Jan is Saint Dwynwen's Day and she is the Welsh patron saint of lovers and once again I haven't managed to carve a lovespoon for HennyPenny. :roll: Maybe next year.

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Hi, just though I say that I live in wales, and practically every on has at least one love spoon, a real one, or a postcard of them or ones you can make from black and white paper and send as cards! when we were going to go to an internation guide camp, we stayed in a guide lodge in abergele and made lots of welsh things to swop with guides from different countries!

So we decided to make love spoons, I'd send you photos, but I didn't take any and we gave all the spoons away! :oops:

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Lost sheep, did you finish making your love spoon? and Richard T you'd best get started on yours it will nearly be 25th January again soon!


There is a weekend course on carving love spoons at Burton Manor college from Friday 21st to Sunday 23rd November. I've stayed at the college. My room was clean and comfortable and the food is very good. It's a lovely break if you want to treat yourself.

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She did complete one which she gave to her Grandad (my Dad) for his birthday, she didn't take a photograph of it though I will have to take one next time I see him.


She was supposed to be doing the wood carving for her Duke of Edinburgh bronze but she is now doing dressmaking and bag making instead.


My OH made a fish shaped one too but he cut nearly the whole of one of his knuckes off in the proccess :shock: aparently showing ED how not to do it :roll: She wore a Kevlar glove he did not :? Fortuately there was enough of his knuckle left for it to stick back down with stri-strips and heal.

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