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Ruby sings the blues ...

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... at last! :D

Yesterday found a lovely blue/green egg in the nest box. Not sure if it was Ruby or Rosie, but today I caught Ruby in the act. Although I'm pretty sure she should be laying a pale turquoise blue egg, I'm not complaining!



It would explain the green earlobes though :lol:


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:lol: I cannot get a good photo of the colour of her earlobes - they are actually lime green! :shock: I don't think the colour of the ears is actually as crucial for the blue layers though, my araucana that died had red ears but laid blue eggs. Also Rosie and Bambi have red ears, and both should lay blue eggs. Bella the campine has white lobes and lays white eggs. It's just Ruby that has funny ears!


Egluntine, I got them from Warwickshire Rare breeds http://www.warwickshirerarebreedfarm.co.uk/ She hadn't bred them herself, but I think they were from another breeder in Leicestershire. She does have some beautiful pure breeds though! 8)

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