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Mr Defra-he says yes!!!

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Fantastic news Janty :D:D:D


That means that I can have some rescue hens on 22nd December when the next Essex rescue takes place.


Hee! Hee!




Eeeek, I hadn't heard that that date had been confirmed, I knew that it was between 22nd & 28th Dec, but I was secretly hoping for the 28th :roll: . Oh well, chickens are far more important than Christmas shopping :wink:

Do say "Hello" when you come to pick them up :D

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Don't take that date as definite. I was talking to the rescue co-ordinator a few weeks ago and that was the date that I was given but things might have changed.


It was the date I was told 2 weeks ago too, but I was told it might not happen because it's so close to xmas.

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