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Guest chookiehen

It's all so quiet!!!

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Sssssssssssshhhh!!!! Can you hear that??


The boys are at school, Chookiehubbie is at work, Caity is at nursery, the chooks are at the bottom of the garden, the cat's out hunting, the dog's sleeping and the telly is off!!!!


I don't think the house has EVER been this quiet before! It's even tidy!!


Aaaaaaah, time for a peaceful lunch, and a scone before chaos returns at 3:30!!

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That sounds so lovely. I like my Fridays, when Child 3 goes to the childminder, and my friend collects 1 and 2 from the playground, takes them home, gives them tea and brings them back again at 7! Fantastic! Lots of lovely staring out of the kitchen window time. Sometimes I just sit and listen to the silence, so peaceful.


Good for you, enjoy your beautiful serene day.


Heather x

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I know it sounds horrible, but I quite like it if the ex has Rosie for the weekend. I tend to rush around doing stuff that's not so easy when she's there, but I try to make time for a bit of silence, or reading the papers in bed on the Sunday :D:D


Gina - when you've had that bean, you'll wonder what on earth you ever did with your spare time :roll:

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They've only been back half an hour, and Owen is grumping over homework, and Caity is in bed, howling and over-tired from a hard afternoons playing at nursery!


Now what happened to that peace???!

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:wink: Have to be a distant memory now ...... :roll: . I like it too when the house is quiet, but then usually put the radio on to help me speed up with the chores. Having said that .. I also LOVE being out with Tori, since I have not been dog walking for over a year (since our last dog died) I have re-discovered the country sounds. When all the children are at school, and its just me and Tori, its fab. :P . Then I come home to chickeney clucks ... and alls good with the world, after the pre-school rush. :D
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Oh yes Sarahjo, and good walk in the fresh air is what I like doing too. It's also nice to come home to a quiet house and put feet up for a few minutes in the quiet, but I too like the radio on whilst I'm pottering about or just sat reading (Ha! Just sat reading - who am I kidding) :roll:

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I have 2 very good friends who are both very energetic,hectic people who think life is not normal if you haven't got at least 3 things you should be doing at any one time.


Me - I like my own company :D

The girls are out by 8.30, then I go & do whatever shopping needs to be done,come home,do a spot of housework,maybe prepare supper,have a hot bubble-bath,maybe (just maybe) do some of the company accounting......


That way I am nice smiley happy Sarah when The Hubby & The Girlies come home again :P

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I would suggest you read EVE magazine, grd much better than Cosmo. Anybody else agree?
.... :? not so sure Sonja, still have christmas books as presents, to start yet. :lol: . Hows the weather with you ... Graham is coming to Zurich next week :!::?: .


Anyway ... back to topic .... agree with you Sarah (Cinnamon), I have had a bubble bath (usually a shower!!!!!! .. so I don't smell, ) recently, in the afternoon .. bliss :P . Never have the time otherwise .... I also prep the boys lunch/hubbies tea/ and walk the dog .. clean the Eglu .. etc, in the spare minutes when I am not doing the housework/food shop :roll: .



I now help out at the boys school, along with the adopted flock on a friday ... was a bit :? , when a neighbour exclaimed that " I thought you had left the country". Then I told her what I was doing ... " well you have all this free time now" :roll::roll::roll::wink: . Right ... now everyone else has bagged a piece, I have NONE :lol::lol::lol: .

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Hi SarahJo.

Weather cold right now and they announce snow from tonight through the week-end. Can't tell about Zurich since I am im 300 km away on the other corner of Switzerland. Hope Grahm enjoys his trip :!:

I think you mums are soo lucky over there. My kids leave the house at 3 different times, 7.40 for 8, 8.00 for 8.20 and I will walk the youngest to kindergarden for 8.45 . Then they all come home for lunch at 11.25, back to school for 13.25 and back again at around 15.30, the bell goes at 15.05

how crazy is that? So no time for bubble baths in the morning and non in the afternoon either sigh. :)

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