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Feeling angry...

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I just need to vent this out, I'm feeling so angry... I was just looking at a website I use to give away unwanted furniture we had after refurbishing a few rooms, and as always I got into looking at the 'pets' section on there, where people advertise kittens for rehoming and so on...


There was a post there from someone who described him/herself as a 'knowledgeable cat lover' and said he/she was looking for two cats, one male, one female, unneutered, to live with him/her for the next three to four years, and asking for cats that 'wouldn't mind living outside in his backyard, where there is a little hut in case they feel the cold'... That person then has the cheek to say they'd prefer the cats to be delivered to him/her rather than having to pick them up from anywhere...


I couldn't believe it... this person has obviously been seduced by the high rate at which kittens are sold on that website (it seems the average moggy in that area fetches between £150 and £200), and intends to just keep a couple in his/her backyard to breed and sell the kittens at crazy prices...

I sure hope no one falls for that ad, cause no animal lover would look to rehome two pets 'just for three years', to keep them outside in the cold, not wanting them if they've been neutered, and not bothered to go and see them before picking them up...


I reported the ad to the site's admin team, I hope they remove it...


I'm just too angry when I see how little respect people show to animals who get to depend on them...




I don't do anger easily, but this really got me going...

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Hmm. Found that ad. Kittens do go for silly prices on the antipodean site, although one of mine came from there for free, as his owner was having a baby, and I was totally seduced by his picture (fwuffy wuffy boy). My kittens are in no way being advertised on there. I'm going with Pets4homes and a couple of cat sites I think, nor are they going to be advertised as 'christmas kittens' or 'ready to go'. Sometimes you see kittens on there that are advertised as ready at only four or five weeks old. That's how you end up with poor little babies like our Dilly, who is runtishly undersized (about the same size as a four month old kitten) with behavioural issues and constantly sick, because she was taken away from her mother too soon and nearly died. Or the poor things just die. I'm constantly amazed by the attitude on that site that cats are a temporary possession, to be passed on or dumped when you go back to australia or where ever. I'm angry too.

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i wonder if the site admin could report him to the RSPCA? Mind you, no offence has technically been committed. It's sad that people can't be warned or prosecuted until it's too late.


IMO, he should be cautioned or something by the RSPCA, if that is what he intends on doing that is and it looks quite likely.

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First things that happens in our house to cats and dogs is a trip down to Ms. Vets. There are far too many unwanted animals on this earth for people to let them breed unchecked.


Sausage thanks me for it now, or he would if he understood.


And, if there are any vets looking at this forum, he's not fat....just big boned!

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Don't know how to do pics yet. Sausage is your typical Bond villain sort of cat. He doesn't lie down..he just stops walking and sort of flops sidewards. We had numerous trips to the vets when we got him...thought he had a balance problem. Turns out he's just lazy. His half sister, Smegul (same Mum) is just three months older than him. She is thin as a rake with small paws and very dainty. Good job really as this gives the vet the evidence that I'm not over feeding him. That's just the way he is...really.

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i wonder if the site admin could report him to the RSPCA? Mind you, no offence has technically been committed. It's sad that people can't be warned or prosecuted until it's too late.


IMO, he should be cautioned or something by the RSPCA, if that is what he intends on doing that is and it looks quite likely.


I've tried to report incidents to the RSPCA twice now and they weren't bothered either time. Can't see them being remotely interested in this.


Odd that kittens are going for a lot on that site though - one of my year 10 boys has had trouble giving them away!

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Holly, Ivy and Mistletoe to begin with...it's sort of escalated.


Mum-in-Law wanted a cube and we have managed to find one second hand that we are collecting after Christmas. However, M-i-L is disabled and finds it difficult to get about and she is worried about looking after the chickens if she is ill. Hubby has said that as she is over at ours a lot anyway, we will buy the extra cube and her chickens can live at ours. That way she will see them lots and lots but we will do the cleaning and general day to day maintenance...and I get extra chickens. He is also talking about getting a large run built for my bantams and their purple eglu.


What a hubby!

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