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Christmas Party

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Any one else had their works christmas party yet? :D


Just got in from ours - what a great night out. Went to the Christmas company marquee in Leicester. Carribean Limbo dancers and acrobats; not too bad food followed by a disco. I haven't danced since before I had the little ones - at least 5 years! :shock: My ears are ringing and I'm ever so slightly sozzled :oops: Happy Chsirtmas!!!! 8)8):lol:

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That was different Snowy! Glad you had fun!


I usually stay away from works do's as we have to pay for and arrange our own. However, this year I've had a change of heart and as Christmas is paid for in my house (so funds are available!) I am going for a meal next week at the Hyatt in Birmingham with a select group of past and present colleagues who are also friends, with outdoor ice skating afterwards (if we can still stand :shock: ) and a wander around the German Markets to finish. Then the following week my section will go on a club crawl one afternoon up Broad Street, ending up in a canalside hostelry, or maybe just the canal :roll::D

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Sounds like you had a good time Snowy :D:D


My work Christmas party is tomorrow. I was looking forward to it until hubby informed me that he needs dropping at Stansted airport by 6am, that'll mean me leaving home at around 5am :roll: . The idea of an early start will take the shine off the idea of a late night and one too many to drink :roll: Oh, well, these things are often funnier for the sober observer :wink::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Any one else had their works christmas party yet? :D




I'm working hard on the avoidance! I've managed to get out of one last week, although I did have to go to a team member's leaving lunch a couple of weeks ago.


There are two more over the next week or so that I've got to avoid one way or another. It is always a relief to get to the 24th without having to poll up and be festive to order!

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im not going to any works/christmas parties this year. I get quite stressed with chistmas and end up ill every year so I have decided this year to say "no" to all the invitations and do what I want to do (snuggle up and stay at home) instead of going out and pretending to be nice to people who I've never met.


Parties for me = stress as I always have to find something to wear = more stress and more expense!


Id rather stay at home with OH and dog!

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