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A Terrible Admission!

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Nope, never really been into younger men.



A little post in favour of younger men.

All of my past boyfriends have been younger than me,with 3 of them sharing the same birthdate (& no, they were not triplets!)


The hubby is a year younger than me in age..........& at least 10 in attitude :?


I like younger men - perter bottoms,into better music & movies & a certain willingness to .....learn :wink:

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A little post in favour of younger men.

All of my past boyfriends have been younger than me,with 3 of them sharing the same birthdate (& no, they were not triplets!)


The hubby is a year younger than me in age..........& at least 10 in attitude :?


I like younger men - perter bottoms,into better music & movies & a certain willingness to .....learn :wink:


Hmmmmm.... Carl is 10 years younger than me and listens to the same music that I remember but he watches films that are even older than me :?


As for the rest - most definitely :wink::D

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It's because us blokes are always doing something - it's either work or jobs round the house, whereas you girls are sat on your backsides. :roll:


*ducks and runs for cover*



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Let's see ...


One of the correspondents in this thread has been a member for approx. 6 months and made approx 3560 posts - therefore, approx. 590 posts a month.


Another correspondent has been a member for 4 months and made about 820 posts - so approx. 205 posts a month.


I leave you to draw your own conclusions as to who spends more time lazing about on her computer chair and who spends more of his time on the move industriously employed.



Richard T

(on his lunchbreak)

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