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Why do my electrical goods always break down at Christmas?

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OK why did it have to happen the week before Christmas :(


Tuesday morning I was sleeping off the night before (our four friend christmas outing with very alcoholic mulled wine :oops:) when Joe woke me up with


"Hun, I've broke your laptop" - nice try, I aint getting up :lol:


then, "No, Hun, I have broken the laptop" - sat bolt upright in a flash :lol:


I'd gone online as I got in to check my email and have a cig and drink before bed so took the lappy to the utility room and left it on top of the coffee machine. Joe got up and opened the cupboard to get Molly her breakfast and knocked it off.


It fell 4 feet onto the slate floor and broke the case, the fan makes a lot of noise and the lid is not sqaure to the base anymore. Amazingly the screen didn't break :shock:


Thankfully it's insured but it's gone back to PCworld for them to sort it out but I doubt it'll be done by Christmas :(




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My car has conked out this morning, and has gone off to the garage, with a light flashing on it's dashboard - never a good sign. The mechanic did lots of that sucking through his teeth that only tradesmen know how to do, when asked if it would be fixed before Christmas....

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My car has conked out this morning, and has gone off to the garage, with a light flashing on it's dashboard - never a good sign. The mechanic did lots of that sucking through his teeth that only tradesmen know how to do, when asked if it would be fixed before Christmas....


Oh dear :(


My mechanic must be the salt of the earth as I dropped my car into him on Wednesday night for him to check my brake caliper that got replaced a few months ago and it's failed again :roll: (damned Volvo part too!!!)


He gave me one of his cars for the night and got a new caliper from the dealer Thursday morning and it was fitted and ready by midday.


I've bought him a bottle of JD for him :D




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The mechanic has just phoned, and the car needs to be plugged into the Renault computer, as he can't find out what the problem is. Renault have done that tooth sucking thing again, and queried why a pregnant woman is incapable of driving a broken down car 55 miles to their garage, rather than them coming to collect it. This is going to be expensive.....

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The mechanic has just phoned, and the car needs to be plugged into the Renault computer, as he can't find out what the problem is. Renault have done that tooth sucking thing again, and queried why a pregnant woman is incapable of driving a broken down car 55 miles to their garage, rather than them coming to collect it. This is going to be expensive.....


Oh, Shona, I do hope that they can fix it for you quickly.........and reasonably. My car conked out a couple of weeks ago, little lights coming up on the dashboard and the engine refusing to play the game. Our fabulous mechanic (he really is a star :D ) got an auto electrician to pop round and do his computer jiggery pokery and apparently there were 2 simple faults, which were quickly fixed.


My vacuum cleaner died today, well it still makes a noise, so perhaps not quite dead, but it's not sucking up a thing. So I guess it's grubby carpets for Christmas then :( . I really can't afford a new one right now, and here may be some inthe sales come January............but how the heck am I going to cope without a vacuum until then :?:(

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Chookiehen wrote:

So I guess it's grubby carpets for Christmas then . I really can't afford a new one right now, and here may be some inthe sales come January............but how the heck am I going to cope without a vacuum until then


You're welcome to mine, I never seem to use it! Think I spend too much time on this forum :D

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The mechanic has just phoned, and the car needs to be plugged into the Renault computer, as he can't find out what the problem is. Renault have done that tooth sucking thing again, and queried why a pregnant woman is incapable of driving a broken down car 55 miles to their garage, rather than them coming to collect it. This is going to be expensive.....


Oh, Shona, I do hope that they can fix it for you quickly.........and reasonably.


well, it's fixed, but it's costing nearly £300.


I have two hoovers, by the way, if you fancy coming up and picking one of them up, you're more than welcome to it!! It may be cheaper for you to buy a new one, mind! :lol:

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:D Isn't this forum wonderful? Loads of best friends, all happy to give advice and lend you their hoover...


It's brilliant Clare..........I love this forum :D

Unfortunately, tempted though I am, I might have to pass on the offer of hoovers, Sheffield and Scotland are a little too far at this time of year :wink:


But if I've not replaced/ repaired my current vacuum by the New Year you never know :wink::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Just as long as you give me a half hours notice to tidy up and get the kettle on!


Been and collected my car - it had cost me £100 to get it towed from the village to Hawick. I would have been better driving 2 miles down the road, then calling for the Green Flag man to come and tow me... :roll:


Never mind, it's back, and working (*touches wood*).

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Managed to get through the run up to Christmas with only one appliance failing, or hanging on limply for dear life at any rate


The Coffee Grinder, thats just about managed 18months service is not wanting to go when you hit the button and when I can get it fired up it grinds the coffee but there's a definate whiff of knackered motor coming from it :lol:


So off to JL to buy a nice new Cusinart one (did want a nice industrial La Cimbali one but space won't allow :( )


Mind you, the amount of coffee I need, it may just be worth buying the industrial one :oops:




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ok, so after buying 2 new tyres for the car (£200), our boiler breaking down (£220) tumble dryer broke (£199) and now discovered large crack in car windscreen :shock::evil::evil:


not sure whether me, or my wallet can take any more! :cry::cry:


How people can afford to go to all the sales after Christmas when we are just struggling to pay the bills really puzzles me! :?

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