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hen or Cockerel - please look at pics & see if you can t

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I keep going back to the pictures and just can't decide! He/she really isn't making it easy for us.

Would you like me to post on Practical Poultry on behalf of you?

This is so difficult! He/she has both cockerel and hen features. I cant see any sickle feathers though....but he/she is only 12 weeks.


I really hope he/she is a girl! Is there no way you could keep it anyway?



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If you could post on Practical Poultry I would really appreciate it. I can't imagine the neighbours putting up with it to be honest - and what about the eggs being fetilised?? Surely you have to check to see whether they are fetilised before you eat them??


I will take some pictures of the feather shapes against a dark background tonight when I go home and see if that sheds any light on the situation!!


Thanks so much for all your help guys!!

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Since looking at physical features hasn't proved to be very conclusive!! I have been watching Chickychickerson's behaviour (I know wierd name!!!) and I have noticed that if there is a pecking order flurry - he tends to jump up in the air as a way of ascerting his/her status rather than pecking at the tail - this strikes me as boyish behaviour??? Noine of my other girls do this but then as we all know all chickens have their wierd little quirky things! He/she also is more ready to have a peck at my two bigger chicken whereas my other two chick wouldn't dare - so either a very brave but slightly wierd girl - or typical boy behaviour!!! I must say the guys on practical poultry both erred on the side of boy - it was too dark when I got home last night to inspect the feather shape - they'd all gone to bed!!!

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In light of the feedback from both here and Practical Poultry I think all the evidence is pointing towards cockerel!!!! I am going to take a photo of the neck feathers in a final attempt to get someone to say it's a girl!!!!


Failing this does anybody have a home for a very tame sweet natured light sussex / RIR Cross??????

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Shame :( I did try to will it to be female for you :(

That last reply on P P is interesting - if it is a light sussex/RIR cross then it's the male equivalent of the gingernut ranger. Probably why the seller was so confident of it being male. Hope you find a home for it hpops :D

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