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New Years Resolutions

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I know its a bit early but having had a rant earlier this evening while out with family, I am going to put my money where my mouth is and my New Year's resolution is that if I am not happy that the meat is produced ethically, then I'm not going to eat it. It won't be too difficult as I don't eat much meat now but I don't put my foot down enough about the quality of life for the stuff I do eat but in future I will. And I am unanimous in this!


Anybody else planning a resolution for the new year?

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Funnily enough, I have also decided that from next year I will only eat free-range (and preferably organic) meat ... I don't do 'resolutions' as such, but New Year is a good time to announce it as I will be with all my friends.


I've been doing this at home for a while, but not imposed it on friends and relatives - effectively, it will mean becoming vegetarian again when eating away from home.

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.... effectively, it will mean becoming vegetarian again when eating away from home.



At the risk of sounded evangelical, why not go the whole hog and go vegetarian for all the time? Obviously its down to individuals to make their choices etc. but when you think of chicken farms, and pig farms and ..


No , I won't go into the arguments etc. but just ask people if they could consider it as a possible resolution for 2008. If people didn't eat meat, animals wouldn't die to provide it.


Mind you, I'm afraid I'm oblivious to plant suffering - I just don't listen to the screaming when I dig up a leek. And I eat dairy products so I accept all that goes with that ...

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At the risk of sounding bah humbug about Christmas, I do prefer new year to all the Xmas fuss. It is time to hope for a better year ahead and for us all to do something better than we did it last year and to feel optomistic. Christmas makes me feel bad. I feel like I need to recycle 5 times my body weight this week to put right my xmas consumerisam that I was lured into against my better judgement.

So I think mine is to be nicer to the planet and to only eat meat that has had a happy life, and to slow our pace of life down a bit.

Oh, and to loose weight, be a nicer person etc....

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Eglutine - I might be able to send a few bits your way for Cardmaking. Got way too much!!!


New Years Resolution - to get more chooks this year & to persuade hubby into getting a puppy!!! :wink:





Ooh Ta!!! And some tips too please!! :lol::lol:


I hope you get to keep your resolutions....they sound wonderful. :lol:

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I need to exercise as I have low energy/stress a lot, but I really hate it, and never really exercise and it's getting worse. :oops: If it takes a New Year's push then so be it. If I wait for my PhD to be over, and to get my job etc etc. it won't happen.


I'm doing tours at 2 gyms and trying a yoga class free this week. :angel:

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I need to exercise as I have low energy/stress a lot, but I really hate it, and never really exercise and it's getting worse. :oops: If it takes a New Year's push then so be it. If I wait for my PhD to be over, and to get my job etc etc. it won't happen.


I'm doing tours at 2 gyms and trying a yoga class free this week. :angel:


Any time you fancy a walk Choccy.......a good brisk 2 hours. Enough to shift a Mars bar......pm me. :lol:

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My new years resoloution was to stop eating so much chocolate and junk food - i don't need to lose weight but my diet is full of junk food and i am sure the state of my arteries is awful! :oops:


Unfortunately i was bought a lot of chocolate for christmas by the kids at work so i have to eat all that up before i can start properly :wink:


Oh - and to improve my PB in the Triple Jump (if i get any time to train... )

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