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Laura & CTB

Rebounder (mini trampoline) question

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I had one for Christmas :D I like it but then the novelty hasn't worn off yet. It is nice to jog on as the landing is soft, and you soon work up a raised pulse (well I do as I am unfit :oops: ). There is a user weight limit of 100kg (220lb/15 stone 7 in old money :wink: )


Mine is the V-fit mini trampoline from Argos, they were on sale before Christmas for £14.99 so could be cheaper now. Mine doesn't have a hand rail attachment that some appear to have.

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How long do you have to use it for on average to feel the "burn" (substitute knackered) :roll: I'm not very fit either!!


It came with an instruction booklet, which I have mislaid already, but you are supposed to start at 1 minutes worth and work up, I think. I can only do 2 minutes before getting puffed and calf muscles feeling the strain :oops:

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There is a user weight limit of 100kg (220lb/15 stone 7 in old money :wink: )



Actually its 15.7 stone which is 15 stone 10.4 lbs. I know this because I have one of these trampolines that I use very sparingly as I'm not quite there! 15 12.5 last weigh in (which is a hell of a lot better than the 20st 9 that I started at).


I got mine for a fiver off ebay and James loves it, I pulled my thigh muscles on it though even with my sparing use. Mine didn't have any instructions so I'm not sure if there is anything special to do, I just go for a little jog.


It does have one HUGE advantage of James 13ft trampoline though (which I'll also be light enough to officially be on this summer). Two bounces DON'T have me running for the loo!!!

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There is a user weight limit of 100kg (220lb/15 stone 7 in old money :wink: )



Actually its 15.7 stone which is 15 stone 10.4 lbs. I know this because I have one of these trampolines that I use very sparingly as I'm not quite there! 15 12.5 last weigh in (which is a hell of a lot better than the 20st 9 that I started at).


Yes you are right! I just read it as 15 stone 7lb (better to err on the side of caution :wink: )

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Listen walking is great and there is a lovely bridle path just across the field opposite me. My friend is ocming round over the weekend and I said - we could go out for a lovely walk along it and she said no , it scared her last time because someone was walking a dog along there!


She would rather walk along the concrete bridle path alongside the road!!!


Oh and she wasn't scared of the dog - she has 2 herself but that the person with the dog might be a mugger.


Go figure

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I've had one for years - before I hurt my knee, I would use it for 10 mins at a time. I'm just about able to use it very carefully now - and at least it's dry inside............ and no muggers with dogs lurking.......


My thoughts as well Lesley - I dont live in the safest of areas, especially after dark. It also appeals to me to be able to do something in the living room with music blaring and watching the chooks through the window.

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