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liz c

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Hi there, not sure if anyone remembers me, I was the lady who's auction on ebay for a pink eglu got kicked off because I'd included the hens. I was selling as we were emigrating to New Zealand, well we've been here since August 2006, and loving it! The main draw back is the lack of availability of decent hen accomodation, and I so covert the new cube!!

Hi to Lesley who kindly rehomed Beryl and Rita, my very spoilt girls, and their beautiful pink palace.

We are about to embark upon building a chook house, we don't have fox problems here, so they don't need to be so robust, but I don't really know where to start!! Will keep you up to date with our endeavours! It's much easier to buy poultry here, our ebay equivalent happily allows the sale of animals, not sure what sort to get this time.

Would be great to chat across the hemispheres about all things chook! :D

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Hi Liz!!!!!!! - great to hear from you!


Beryl and Rita are still doing well!


I'm glad to hear you made it over there - and fancy being in Rotorua - we all know someone who is heading off that way soon........ :wink:


How are your (human) girls liking it over there?

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Great to see you again Liz :D

So, would you recommend me finding space in my container for a brand new, never been used and unlikely to upset MAF, cube ? We've been debating it, but can't make up my mind.

Brilliant to hear that you're enjoying life in NZ.

You may be on the recieving end of a few PMs :roll::lol::lol::lol:

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Suddenly the NZ forum get together that I'd been joking about a while back might actually be a possibility 8)

My hubby's job is in Rotorua, so it's highly likely that Liz and I may be living in the same area.

What an amazing coincidence :D


It is wonderful.


I want to see a pic of you posing together, wearing your Omlet tshirts......next to your new cubes.

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Oops, forgot to mention my human girls!! :oops: Lesley, they are loving the lifestyle here, much more freedom. We have had another human chick since arriving; Isabella Eve Alison was born 6th June 07 in Rotorua Hospital :angel:

I think 2 cubes, unused would be fine by MAF Kate!! We could start the Rotorua Eglu appreciation society!

Thanks for the tips on the home-build, will have a good look over the weekend. The local agriculture and produce show is coming up at the end of Jan, so hopefully will find hens of all shapes and sizes there.

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I think 2 cubes, unused would be fine by MAF Kate!! We could start the Rotorua Eglu appreciation society!

Thanks for the tips on the home-build, will have a good look over the weekend. The local agriculture and produce show is coming up at the end of Jan, so hopefully will find hens of all shapes and sizes there.


That sounds like a great idea...I don't think we've ever had eglus in NZ before, it could even be a world first.


Congratulations on your little girl, she sounds lovely.

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Lovely news all round. Nice to hear about your adventures Liz since you last posted with your eglu and girls up for sale in the UK. I think it's a great idea that you and Kate should link up. What an amazing coincidence - and great for Kate to hear such a positive outcome too for all concerned.

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