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Hi - new here, just wanted to say hello!!!

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Hello, I'm a little bit of an interloper here, as don't actually have an eglu :shock: but I DO have 4 chickens, and have read lots of very interesting posts on here, so this is me saying hello!!! I'm a bit new to all the smileys etc, so apologies if this doesn't come out right!!!

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Ok, our chickens - we have 4 - we started off with 3, but one (a black leghorn called Sarah Jemima) very quickly got sick and died, which was a rocky start, especially as the vet then advised us to get a PM done as they thought it was either avian flu(!!!!!!) or salmonella - but clearly was neither, was just stress and a bit of cocci. So we got 2 Bovan Goldlines to join the Black Rock and Speckeldy, and they all get on tremendously! We get 3-4 eggs a day, and they live in a henhouse my husband built for them. If you click on the www link, I've got a blog where you can see some pics of them. The house pics are right at the beginning, back in 2007, but there are some chickeny ones in 2008.

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Hello there!


Don't worry about not having an Eglu, I think lots of chicken owners find this forum really useful because most of us are new to chickens, only have a few hens and, to be honest, treat them like pets - not that that's a bad thing, but I expect there are few other places on the web where people genuinely worry about their hen's _mental_ wellbeing and happiness as well as their physical condition!



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Thank you for the welcomes!!! We are in the South West, so the chickens have got used to RAIN RAIN and MORE RAIN!


I am quite envious of all the eglu cubes - they look fantastic, and some of the runs you've all built are amazing. I REALLY wish our garden was bigger and could accommodate more hens! But given the trouble we have getting through all our eggs atm, perhaps that's just as well! :D

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