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I sometimes post on the Practical Poultry website, if I want a second opinion on something, or if its to do with the possable chicks in the spring, not many people have hatched/reared chicks here, and I always feel cheeky PMing random people who I know have reared chicks to ask questions :oops:

They have always been nice to me, very helpfull, but I feel like a real novice compared to them. I haven't mentioned the cube to them, its just never really come up. I don't think I will mention it though :?.....



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Don't forget that you also need to colour coordinate your chickens to match your Cube, Kev :wink: . Apparently that's what us Yuppies do :wink: .


I searched everywhere for purple chickens, until I discovered anti-peck spray.


I'm gutted that Tiffany don't make bumper-bits, though. :wink:

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We spent £120 on our coop and small run and then DH built the big run which probably cost about £60, the feeders and drinkers were maybe £3 each for the big ones. So we sepent approx £192. As opposed to £359 for the basic eglu and run etc.


We couldn't afford an eglu or a cube, I would have liked one though but I do like our wooden one but would never dream of belittling anyone with an eglu.


I know this is jokey thread (**edit** I thought i'd posted on the poll thread but see there are comments here too) and I haven't posted on the RC thread but I'm begining to feel like an outsider, just because we went for wood :(


I have bought stuff from the omlet shop though.

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sshhh - don't tell anyone, but I have a wooden coop rather than an eglu. And I love it! It's really robust, well built, easy to clean, has very very few nooks-and-cranies for the dreaded red mite, and is incredibly pretty to look at. I live in a little old cottage and have a very cottagey-garden, so my pretty wooden house (complete with heart-shaped "window") looks really nice and fits in well. And you're right, it didn't cost much less than than eglu would have done!!!

Just like most people who have an eglu haven't had a wooden house, I've never had an eglu, so can't compare. I don't feel much of a need to, either, as I love my coop and there are plenty of equally happy eglu owners too: surely these are both good things.


I'm not sure that the issue is really about houses so much as about how people view their chickens - pets or livestock. Eglu's (and my coup) are definitely housing for pets.


And as much as my Dad and father-in-law shake their heads in despair and puzzlement, that's how it is.

I eat chicken (so long as it's no-one I know!), so obviously have no problem with them as livestock... but mine are definitely pets.

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None of us here are going to belittle anyone for having a wooden ark. It's down to personal choice after all. The thing that we, as Eglu owners are upset about is the attitide of traditionalists who criticise us for having so called expensive plastic coops. I've been called brainless and a Yuppie on Practical Poultry for having an Eglu but you'll not see any Eglu owner being so unpleasant about any other coop, no matter what it's made from. That's the thing which is so upsetting.

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