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Clash City Rocker

Rain Anyone

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My hens are sunbathing in the garden. :lol:


It is so warm here that my neighbour is gardening....in shorts! :shock:


Central heating turned off.


You could really go off some people, eh Christian?





The weather forecast last night was for rain , rain and more rain (we've already had a week of that) turning to snow on high ground. (That's us!)


We were promised a blanket of snow last week but that didn't happen either.


I don't know whether to be pleased or disappointed. :?

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Oh me too :roll:


Poor Hubby is out in the rain putting the last of the roof sheets on the new hen pen.


My hens are drenched,even though their current pen has a roof - its all the sideways rain we have been getting :roll:


Can't even wear crocs in the garden as they slip in the mud,so its squelchy old welly clogs at the moment.


The garden is a quagmire.We have a high water table,a natural well & a stream,so you can inagine how wet & muddy it all is :?

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The garden is a quagmire.We have a high water table,a natural well & a stream,so you can inagine how wet & muddy it all is :?




We don't have a well, but little springs appear form nowhere and burble away, and lakes appear and sit for months sometimes.


A neighbour further up the road has elaborate pumping equipment in his cellar to deal with the water that literally flows through it after prolonged rain.


My Croc wellies have been pulled off twice in the last few days by the squelchy mud. :?

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Poor Hubby is out in the rain putting the last of the roof sheets on the new hen pen.



mine is out doing our run aswell. I did go out and saw some wood for him (to make it look good :lol: ) and now I've come in to do my Ironing! (but im on here !!).


I have to take out regular cups of coffee to keep him going! :roll:

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