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Phylis and a slug (pics)

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Ours have picked up slugs that big and then shaken them violently until they split into two more 'manageable' pieces :vom:


If we let ours out to free range in the rain then they too stop outside until they're completely drenched through - despite having a sheltered run to return to (courtesy of the Ikea shower curtain).



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Clever chook!


Mine couldn't wait to get out today - it was tipping down and when I went in their run they trampled me in their rush to get out! :shock: They pretended to enjoy it for ten minutes then they all snuck back in again, very nonchalent, hoping I wouldn't notice :roll::lol: Very funny to watch them! :D

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Mine go demented over any types of bugs and slugs. It gets to the point when I "save" the ladybirds from them so they in turn can eat my aphids.This time of year there aren't so many creepy-crawlies around, so it's even more exciting for the girls. I love watching them chase each other around trying to steal each others prize catch!

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Ours have picked up slugs that big and then shaken them violently until they split into two more 'manageable' pieces :vom:


If we let ours out to free range in the rain then they too stop outside until they're completely drenched through - despite having a sheltered run to return to (courtesy of the Ikea shower curtain).





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There's lots of frantic chasing about the garden when one of my girls gets hold of a slug. They all love them, not to mention the mice they catch too. :roll:


MICE?!?!?! :shock:


Ha! Yeah it's great watching the girls trying to catch one although they haven't quite worked out how to work as a team yet.


The remnants of the mice tends not to be that pleasant though, I'm sure one of the girls swallowed one whole :shock: ...it came out that way but I have no idea who was responsible!!

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There's lots of frantic chasing about the garden when one of my girls gets hold of a slug. They all love them, not to mention the mice they catch too. :roll:


MICE?!?!?! :shock:


Ha! Yeah it's great watching the girls trying to catch one although they haven't quite worked out how to work as a team yet.


The remnants of the mice tends not to be that pleasant though, I'm sure one of the girls swallowed one whole :shock: ...it came out that way but I have no idea who was responsible!!


YUK!!! :vom: I'm horrified!!! :shock:

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I think that I read somewhere that they can get worms from eating slugs especially gape worm.


Mine love both slugs and snails and worms and woodlice I don't think there can be any worms left in my garden except maybe in the compost bins.


I wish my cats would catch more I think we may have a rat in one of the compost bins but are they interested? No :( Too spolit me thinks.

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