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One of my hens loves ds2's leftover marmite on toast from breakfast! In fact, their lunchtime snack is usually breakfast leftovers from my boys - today it was cocoa pops, toast, pear, rice from last nights' dinner and some organic Kale that was in my veggie box that we don't like!


I try not to buy extra human food especially for the hens but they are partial to grapes and sweetcorn (which don't usually get eaten by the humans!)


It's fun seeing their likes and dislikes develop!



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Mine go mad for crisp pale cabbage the pointed sweetheart type which we have been known to buy just for them :oops: and mixed corn, that's what they go mad for which I give them just before they go to bed apparently it's supposed to help them keep warm at night because it is slow to digest.


They have turned their noses up at a lot of the treats suggested on here. They did love sweetcorn on the cob when we had a surplus and some timmings in the autumn.

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Well, after reading this I think I must have the most fussiest girls of all. They love sweetcorn from a tin but turn their noses up at corn on the cob. :roll: I've made porridge for them a couple of times only to get them walking off with their noses in the air. In fact, their treats are quite limited as they will only eat corn, cherry tomatoes (cut into quarters :roll: ) dried mealworm, raisins and tuna cat food. From time to time they will have marmite on toast, but only when it suits them :!:


I don't have children yet but sometimes I feel like I do!

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I'm with Scooby on the fussy chickens. I have scoured the forum and made a list of everyone else's favourites (being a newbie and all) and tried some on mine but they will only eat raisins and dried mealworms which they go crazy for! They have their pellets in the morning which they don't really seem to eat a lot of and mixed corn in the afternoon. They don't seem to eat a lot of green stuff at all apart from my lawn! People do mention that they give their chickens cooked stuff is that where I'm going wrong? I thought they would eat the veggie peelings (though not the potato ones) and stuff but it's still ending up in the compost! It's taken me years to get my kids to eat veg and now I've got fussy chickens! :doh:



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My two girls had been on layers mash when I got them but took well to pellets. I have tried a lot of the treats other posters mention on the forum, and Daph and Marj just cluck at them. Anything in a dish is regarded with great suspicion. They go mad for the broken seed mix we put out for the wild birds, though. It has dried mealworms in too and they like those.


The only green stuff I've had any success with is my lawn, which is looking threadbare in places although that's probably down to the disgusting weather we've been having. They ignored spinach and treated sprouts in the same way my kids do - looks of disgust all round.


I bought them a tin of sweetcorn today to try, but they had gone to bed before I got home so it'll have to be tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

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It's taken me years to get my kids to eat veg and now I've got fussy chickens!


It might just be that it's because they're not laying yet. Apparently their appetite doubles when they come into lay and I've certainly noticed that my girls are now much more interested in their 'treats' than a few weeks ago.


How did you persuade your kids to eat veg? I've got one who will eat raw carrot and the other will sometimes eat tomato pasta sauce but that's it for veg :roll:



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i am with scooby and waders

mine love tinned sweetcorn wont touch it on the cobb

they turn their noses up at any leftover cooked veg

the one thing they love is tuna i give them 2 tins a week which is quite expensive.

they do freerange alot so i guess they eat bits and pieces they find but their menu is very limited, worse than the kids :?

sarah :)

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Jomaxsmith said


How did you persuade your kids to eat veg?



Well, my son (12 and growing fast) eats everything that you put in front of him and my daughter (16) decided to go veggie so she really had no choice though it is still painful to watch her eat them!!


Only Betty is laying presently so perhaps I will see some change when the others start. Do the eggs get smaller in the winter? I never thought of weighing them until I read a posting on the forum so I have been and they are gradually getting lighter. Is that normal? She seems to be fine, bigger than the others and still as bossy!




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