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who needs Tesco?

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funny you should say that! I saw him do it once about 13 years ago


I'm due to have an op on my ankle soon so we shall see how he copes with feeding chickens, looking after the house & working full time - just like I do. You never know he may turn into the perfect house husband - now that would be a shock

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funny you should say that! I saw him do it once about 13 years ago


I'm due to have an op on my ankle soon so we shall see how he copes with feeding chickens, looking after the house & working full time - just like I do. You never know he may turn into the perfect house husband - now that would be a shock


I wouldn't hold your breath Anne! Perhaps you ought to start writing instructions now :wink:

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i shall get some post it notes & leave them in strategic places like above the kettle & on the door of the wine fridge, the cats won't let him forget to fed them.


i should be fine with my big plaster boot & crutches once i am allowed to weight bear but that could take up to 6 weeks OMG how much washing up am I going to have to do by then?

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mmm good idea, less washing up.


OH would be filling bin bags, he's not good with recycling but an extra bag here & there wouldn't make a lot of difference, our neighbour regularly puts out 10-15 a week - but then she has the perfect house & garden no job, is terrified of anything that is not human, cats, chickens toads, very nice lady but a little Hyacyth Bucket. She never says no to some free eggs herbs or rhubarb though.

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I've got one of those paper potters but have never got round to using it, do they work OK.


I'm running out of small starter pots, my raised beds in the poly tunnel are starting to sprout & I'm just puting up some link a board beds outside, I've always grown a little bit of salad but this is my first year with the poly tunnel & raised beds, hubby thinks that I've gone barmy. I dont care I really enjoy myself out there & 2 teenagers (both OHs) will eat any thing if comes out of my garden


He is scared to death that I will get more chickens & a goat - he never mows the lawn anyway its more of a meadow really

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On my sick bed this afternoon after a small gynae op this morning. OH looking after me very well and popped out to Aldi to get a few things for tea. Came back looking very pleased with himself, "didn't think you would want a bunch of flowers so bought you a grow your own tomato and peppers kit".... :roll: Lovely I might get round to it tomorrow when I am feeling a little better darling. :?

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On my sick bed this afternoon after a small gynae op this morning. OH looking after me very well and popped out to Aldi to get a few things for tea. Came back looking very pleased with himself, "didn't think you would want a bunch of flowers so bought you a grow your own tomato and peppers kit".... :roll: Lovely I might get round to it tomorrow when I am feeling a little better darling. :?


Aww, bless, he meant well.

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Hope you are ok Maria.


Shout if you need any shopping etc.


Long term the peppers and tomatoes might be a better proposition! :lol:


It's the thought that counts.

Absoloutely he is very thoughtful and is making a cottage pie for tea as I type...great to spend the afternoon on the forum :lol: Anyway dont want to start a panic buy but the grow your own veg kits are only 2.49 , and to come back to the original thought would make nice grown it myself salad in the summer. Thank you for the offer of help that is really kind of you , should be up and around tomorrow and hopefully back to work on Thursday...did I just type hopefully.. :? must be the drugs..bring on the snow :lol:

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