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Mrs Frugal

Anyone lost a chicken- Stamford, Lincs

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A neighbour's alerted me to a chicken wandering around in our road this morning. We've caught her and she's now in my spare Eglu quite happy with food and drink but if anyone in the Stamford area, near the Danish Invader pub/Malcolm Sargent School area has lost a ginger hybrid hen, please PM me or email Barbara@omlet.co.uk who can pass on any messages to me.


The hen looks as if she might be a year old as she's moulted recently. She's quite scraggy and may even be an ex-batt. I'd love to find her owner so please get in touch.

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There's a free range chicken farm about 5 miles away but it's quite a trek for a little hen. I don't know of any other chicken keepers in the area. I rang Omlet and Barbara's going to email someone who lives the other side of this estate in case she belongs to them. If not, I'll hang on to her as we've just lost my beloved Flo who was a Gingernut and it seems almost too good to be true :D . I can't introduce her to my other 6 so we'll have to get a couple more and introduce them all at the same time if no one claims her - oh dear, what a pity :wink: .

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we'll have to get a couple more and introduce them all at the same time if no one claims her - oh dear, what a pity :wink: .


You will just have to grit your teeth Kate! :lol:


There will be a happy ending to this tale.....whichever way it works out. :lol:

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It does feel rather like fate, Poet, so I am secretly hoping that no one claims her and that she is an escapee from the farm a few miles away :wink: . However, if she does belong to someone and they spot my notice on the lamp post outside and come to claim her, I'll be really pleased to see her back with her owners. In the meantime, she has a pea green penthouse all to herself with grass, layers pellets and water (and the odd treat thrown in too) so she's happy :D .

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As if anyone would be that devious Clare :wink:


I mean who wouldn't believe that Kate just happened to find a stray chicken wondering the streets :wink:


I wish a few would stroll past our house, we could do with some layers

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Now if I was really intending to add to my flock, would I only add one :shock: ! Nooooo, I like nice numbers like three, four, five, not just one :wink: . However, if Little Miss Gingerbum stays with us, she'll need a couple of friends which would mean a trip to the chicken shop :wink: . Three's a nice number :wink: .

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