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Guest Poet

huge egg!

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my scales are a bit rubbish but i've weighed it a few times to make sure and it was 80g each time. I don't have digital scales so that's probably give or take a gram or two.

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looks like a double yolker to me! :P


will save it for poached egg on toast in that case. Do older girls still lay double yolkers? I hope it is as we've never had one.

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Oh I got a white double yoker from dippy today too. weighed in at 89g. I havent been able to eat it though as I promised it to my mum cause she had never seen a double yoker before. She was amazed by it when she just picked it up, cant believed it came from such a small chicken!!

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Do older girls still lay double yolkers? I hope it is as we've never had one.


I think they're most likely to lay double yolkers at the start and end of their reproductive life, when their system is gearing either up or down and they have a tendency to ovulate erratically.

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ah bless, one of my girls is going thru the menopause! ;)


I'll let you know if it's a dble yolker, we've had big eggs before and they haven't been dble yolkers but none as big as this one. :shock:

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Lovely egg Poet! We should be seeing a few of them in a few weeks - it's getting to the time of year where they have hormones surges and egg production peaks! :D


i didn't know that, cool! :D

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Lovely egg Poet! We should be seeing a few of them in a few weeks - it's getting to the time of year where they have hormones surges and egg production peaks! :D


i didn't know that, cool! :D


Due to my anorak habit of weighing and recording every egg laid last year, I can officially confirm that March is the peak month for egg laying, (size and number), remaining steady throughout April, May and June, dropping fractionally July and August, then tailing off through September, October and November. At least, that is what my statistics show :oops:8)

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I keep an egg log too, it is interesting to know who has laid what and when and to know the weights sometimes you think and egg is small but it is just that the one you collected at the same time is big :?


We had an 86g egg from Egzeena today she occasionally lays large eggs, it must have been the huge number of woodlice I gave her on Tuesday when I found them in a hole in a swede I had brought in from the garden :lol:

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