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Mel (& Paul)

Summer Get Together - Tamsin's House

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Hengistbury Head near Bournemouth is LOVELY and there is ample car parking, loads of hill and beach walking, bathing in fact, dogs allowed on beach, more picnic places than you can shake a stick at - it's a wonderful place with sand dunes, big hill, sandy beach, fantastic view of Christchurch Harbour...


Lovely cafe, the Hungry Hiker, great big flat field for kite flying... cute little Noddy train for going to the sandbank where all the beach huts are...


Ooh I want to be there right now. And it is near my bunga where I will be all school holiday - anyone fancy another get-together there? Handy for the Hampshire ladies, Mel and teh other Wimborne lady whose name escapes me, the Somerset ladies.. good for the M3... Have a lovely drive through the New Forest on the way and see the ponies...


Come on girls lets do it!

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No, Jan was going to let me know when anything was definite so I could post it on the forum but she didn't mention anything when I spoke to her yesterday. I'll e-mail her today and she'll probably get back to me on Monday. I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything.

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