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Mel (& Paul)

Summer Get Together - Tamsin's House

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All the little boys there would love it, and probbaly some of the bigger ones too. Phil eats anything chocolate, he's not bothered what it looks like! He helped me ice the chocolate fairy cakes I made last night (for Rosie to take to school - it's her birthday on Saturday) I have to say that an awful lot of the chocolate buttercream managed to find it's way into his mouth :roll:

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I do so envy people who can knit Trish - my mother used to be excellent and knitted me some Kaffe Fassett (sp?) stuff, but she gave it up when she got arthritis in her finger joints. I can dressmake, but can't knit for toffee. One day, when Rosie is bigger and I don't have to work so much, I am going to sit down and learn it properly :roll:

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I agree Trish I have taken up knitting and just can't stop............I have made 3 hats loads of scarves and my best yet a monkey for Emily's birthday I will post pics. of Mr dangly on monday he is lovely although not perfect (I am still getting the hang of it) I am very proud of him.................. :lol:

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Knitting and chickens, Ah the perfect life :D:lol:


I love knitting too. All my friends think I'm mad, but I find it so relaxing, and what great satisfaction when you have something to show for it, albeit with a couple of dropped stitches!


and you know one of my chooks is called Louise?...can you imagine my sheer delight when I stumbled across this knitted 'Louise'... :D






I just need to find a pattern for a 'Thelma' now so I can knit her to match!


Sorry - totally off topic again :oops:

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In a little boutique in Nottingham. We litterally happened across this gift shop and just really went in for a browse. I think the shop keeper thought I was a bit bonkers :wink:


I think there might be a web-address on the back of the box. I'l have a look when I get home tonight and post it if there is one. Would love to knit my own though.

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If anyone likes to knit but can't find anything to do, try knitting hats, scarves and gloves for children. Samaritans Purse use them for the Operation Christmas Child (shoebox gifts). they always need them.


Also, most neo-natal units would love tiny knitted things. apparently it helps keep the babies snuggled when they are prem.

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