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Porridge Question

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Not a silly question at all Tara.


You should mix it with water as then the oats expand, rather then them expanding in the chickens crop.


I make up a 'porridge' of layers mash/pellets with warm water and add a small handful of porridge oats.


They lick the bowl clean :D

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Ours got last night's brown rice, plain yogurt and chopped cucumber, mixed together - I kept the leftover veggie chilli for myself :)


Admittedly, I tend to be a bit more generous with the rice-scoop when cooking these days, knowing I have three greedy little chooks ready to hoover up any leftovers!

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I always cook extra rice and pasta. :oops: Don't we all spoil our girls?


I have also been making them up a mixture of things into a porridge, since it's been colder.


But they do only get their "treats" in the afternoon. Since I bought some layers mash with bokashi bran to mix in with their pellets, they seem to be eating more of their "proper" food too.

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Medusa, how much Bokashi bran do you mix in with the layer mash? I use it for composting kitchen s"Ooops, word censored!"s which I guess I'm not going to have much of anymore. :wink:


On the Omlet site it suggests a ratio of no more than 5% bokashi bran to feed, but I admit I got a ready-mixed layers mash with bokashi added from Wiggly Wigglers, so just add a dollop of that into each feeder, with their usual pellets. It's not scientific. Hopefully someone with more experience will be able to tell you more. :)

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I keep a treats box for my hens,with mixed corn,dried mealworms,a bag of Bokashi & whatever other nice looking stuff I can find - then give them a scoop every couple of days.


I just bought some Indigo wheat (I think....) & a few other bits to keep them happy from Wiggly Wigglers, and I always have some Bokashi in there as it smells so wonderful 8)

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Mine get a handful of bokashi in their pellets about once a week - it is very hit and miss but they tuck into it and it does magic things to the quantity of chicken poo!!


I know!!!! The girls poo tray has never been so full (of well-formed poos) since I started using bokashi. :lol:

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Great, I'm looking forward to getting poo with magic qualities :o


:lol: This is so funny. I'm getting the distinct impression that your chickens are better fed than you. :lol:Yesterday my OH did look at me strangely when the shopping trolly filled up with groceries I don't usually buy; ACV, cabbage.... :whistle:

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