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can this be done or impossible incubater v chickens

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hubby just rung me and asked instead of buying chickens, could we get or borrow a incubator nd buy the eggs fertilised and grow our own chickens?

:shock: i def am as he hasnt taken any notice of it really till now.

he was the children to start from scartch with there own little ones.

what age if we did could they go outside?

is it easy to do

would do u put the chicks in once hatched? (we do have a indoor rabbit cage couldwe use this?


or is it going plain mad :roll:

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It could be done Debbie - but for your first chooks, you really need to read as much sa you can on the subject. There is a thread on here about hatching chicks and try and get hold of some books. First thing to consider is what to do with any cockerels - 50% of your chicks will be cockerels, so will you buy a breed that can be sexed from hatching and cull the chicks, or grow them on to about 20 weeks and eat the boys? Once you've decided that, then go for it! :D

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No, cockerels are not easy to sell. You will have trouble giving them away!


Most people want hens not cockerels. They start 'talking' at different ages depending on the breed.


I think your best bet is to get day old chicks that have been sexed. Even then you could end up with a couple of boys :?


The cockerels problem is the main reason I haven't incubated eggs.

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Hatching chicks is not to be undertaken lightly....it is a big responsibility and there is so much to consider as has already been said.


Why not wait until you are more experienced and have picked up a bit of knowledge and expertise.


Then you will get some enjoyment out of rearing your own chicks instead of worrying about them and where they will end up.

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Ooooh I always get a really serious vibe when reading threads like this :anxious:

If I where you, I'd get day old sexed chicks. That way you could get as attached as you like and not worry about having to re-home any. I have never hatched eggs, this year I would like to have a go at hatching quail eggs, or buying day old sexed chicken chicks.

Like everyone has said, this is a subject that isn't to be taken lightly. But don't take it so seriously that you are constantly worrying, have fun. You have come here for advise, but its ultimatly your decision, don't let other people put you off what you really want to do (not accusing anyone here by the way) as many times, this has happened to me and I've regreted not following my heart (again, not talking about anyone on here.) So basicaly, talk it through with said family, do a bit of research, email a few farms that may be interested in any surplus cockerels and base your decision on that. :D Either way, we will all be thrilled with what-ever you decide :D


Good luck.



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hi thanks id love to do it but worried im not experienced it enough, or my cats wuld get them but then i think if i dont try, but worried ill take to much on arghhhhhhhhhhhh

do i or not? what would i need if i got day old chicks? do they need a light?

i got a lady who will supply shes askin us to go see them first, but i know if i go i want them and i no accomadation yet.

if i got chicks i have the insoor rabbit cage i could use but dont they need light etc


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hi thanks id love to do it but worried im not experienced it enough, or my cats wuld get them but then i think if i dont try, but worried ill take to much on arghhhhhhhhhhhh

do i or not? what would i need if i got day old chicks? do they need a light?

i got a lady who will supply shes askin us to go see them first, but i know if i go i want them and i no accomadation yet.

if i got chicks i have the insoor rabbit cage i could use but dont they need light etc



Yup they would need a brooding lamp/heat lamp (you can get them from eBay) to keep them warm like their mum would. I have two cats aswell, I think you would just need to keep an eye on them. An indoor rabbit cage would be fine, you would need a heat lamp suspended above the rabbit cage, that would be moved up about two inches degrees each week, slowly weaning them off it, till they are about six weeks and fully featherd. Then they can go outside (weather permiting.) Everyone has to start some where and it looks like we will be hatching/getting day olds for the first this year so its a bit nerve wracking.

Do what-ever you feel comfortable doing, if you would rather start with older birds, then do that, there is always next year :D. I would go and have a look at some older chickens and the chicks and ask a few questions, then see what you think.


Good luck



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