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Hybrid breeds

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I have been finding it quite interesting lately learning which hybrid chickens share the same genetics whilst having completely different names. For example, I have learnt that my Merrydale Sweetie is also known as an Amber Star and that she is a cross between a RIR and a Plymouth Rock. Is there a set pattern of RIR male with a PR female or is it the other way round?


Does anybody know what the Merrydale Copper Black is also known as. Also, I know that is a Maran cross but I don't know what the cross is.


Also, and please firgive me for asking so many probably daft questions, but what is the usual cross / names for the hybrids that are used as battery hens. my girls are so friendly and it would be interesting to know something about their genetics.





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I've been thinking the same myself Janty, so I started doing some research and put some info together. Its quite interesting if you google ISA brown - that is a hybrid of RIR male and rhode island white female that gives a sex link bird. You can also put an ISA cock to an ISA hen and still get an ISA. There is loads of info out there, and a lot of commonality of breeds sold under different names. If you PM me your email, I'll send you what I've found (did it on excel - too much to put on here!) It's not 100% accurate, I gave up after a while as got bogged down with information! :lol:

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I have learnt that my Merrydale Sweetie is also known as an Amber Star and that she is a cross between a RIR and a Plymouth Rock.


I'm sure that can't be right, can it? :? Amber Stars are white. RIR and PR are red/brown and black aren't they?

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I think the Columbines/Skylines/Jasmines are all the same recipe from different breeders.


My Maran Cuivre is very similar looking to the Pepperpot and other black and chestnut hens I've seen on here.


I guess hybrids can be whatever mix the breeder wants since there's no 'breed standard' for them.



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I struggled with the amber star, a couple of sites said different things about the same hen :? One said a leghorn cross, another said white plymouth rock. It is not perfect information by any means! :lol:


Basically you need a cockerel with gold genes and a hen with silver genes to get sex linked chicks. This also applies to the miss pepperpot where the cockerel is RIR (gold gene) and the hen is barred plymouth rock (silver gene). Female birds are black, male are barred.


I think they get different names because within each breed there are different gene pools and flocks, some of a higher standard than others. Black Rocks are supposed to be from a specific breeder with a top notch flock of RIRs and barred plymouths. The same cross but from a different flock will produce the same coloured hen, but may be from less well bred parents, hence the confusion with names. A pepperpot is the same cross as a black rock, but from a different breeder and gene pool.

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WHITE plymouth rock - that makes more sense! I was thinking of a black bird. It just didn't make sense to cross a red/brown with a black and get a white. I can see that crossing a red/brown with a white might produce the white with amber blushes of the Amber Star. Some I have seen have quite a few brown feathers too.


Thanks Snowy! :D

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