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Great birthday present

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Its my birthday soon, and I placed my order last night courtesy of OH...


one run extension

1 tub of garlic powder

1 tub of mixed grit

1 bottle of citridol (sp?)


No aimless wandering round the shops, not unwanted pressies, just presents for the chickens and I've never felt happier!!


My ES said that he would like another chicken for his birthday...but introducing one mightn't be a good idea- two would be better...but then we'd have 5 in our eglu :shock: unless we got two bantams?


I just knew that once we got chickens we'd all get addicted...I'm already plotting where a cube would sit nicely (maybe next year?) !!


What pressies have you got that were really for the chickens??

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our cube was supposed to be a joint birthday and christmas present from us to us :D


unfortunately (or not :D ), we both forgot , so we got more presents :lol:


i think its lovely - presents for a reason, so often I get gifts that get given away :oops: because I just wont use them, I gave 3 to the raffle at a christmas party last year - it was really funny as I wrapped them up - no one knew what they were :lol::lol::lol:




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I got a big orange Cube for Christmas.

It was a total suprise. I opened the curtains on Christmas morning to see it glowing gently in the garden :lol:


The daughter did threaten to move into it,as it was so lovely,but I guess it is really for the hens :lol:

They moved in this week, & seem to love it (I have already sussed that there is room for at least 3 more in there :think: )

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I got a cube and 4 chickens from my hubby for our wedding anniversary :D


When my Mum heard she bought us another chicken and is now talking about getting a couple of bantams for my Son for Easter (the cube arrives just before Easter so the timing would be about right)


Not too bad in less than two weeks.... I wonder what we'll have by next year

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My eglu was my early birthday present last year.

This year Alexander wanted a chicken for his birthday ( it was in Jan so not a good time to get one) so we are waiting for his Silver Laced Wyandotte which he will call Gertrude :shock: to arrive in May, hence my ticker signature.

I'm having a Cream Legbar called Daisy.

The SLW should now be about 4 weeeks old :D

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I'm toying with the idea of having a new greenhouse for my birthday. The one in our garden is not great, the rooflights don't shut properly and never will as the frames are warped. Also I can't find a way of adding guttering to link to a water butt.


HOWEVER there is a HUGE tree behind it which I wanted brought down, mother dithered over getting the bloke round to do it and now it's spring and the birds are nesting.


I don't want to get a new greenhouse before bringing the tree down.


Sadly the people Mum sold her old house to took the greenhouse down as they thought it was dangerous to have one in the garden with kids. She could have brought it with her - half of the glass had already been replaced with plastic too. Ours can be a little dangerous, the glass is old and seems quite brittle, I have bumped into the edge of it and panes have just cracked. James is VERY aware of the danger and knows the greenhouse corner is out of bounds though.

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