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Please - someone cut up my credit cards!

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OK - I'm officially broke, and the cause, this forum! :) We were at an outdoor and caravan show today and DH and kids had gone to nosey round the boats. I was left holding their crocs and thought I'd look at some of the stalls around the edge. Lo and behold MBT's.

So with 10 mins to waste I had to try some on, and then obviously, they were really comfy, and £140 later DH has told me not to look at this site, :oops: as he says it's a bad influence! :):oops::D


Please don't recommend anything else! :lol: Perhaps health (or wallet) warnings should be issued first!!! :lol::wink:

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I would never let a forum influence what I buy. :liar:


I have avoided looking at the MBTs thread (I know a shop near me that sells them). Your best bet is not to read ANY threads that start with 'look at this', 'guess what I bought', 'this is fantastic' etc, because once you've looked, it's too late.


I blame the Mods, myself. They should put a stop to it!

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why dont you try the:


"dont buy anything new for a year" you can start now!! :D



I have bought somethings, but only when I can fully justify them.




I want some MBTs but these will be my school shoes (I am a teacher - not a student :D ) spoke to Kev about them, he wants some too (:shock: kev - more than one pair of shoes :lol: )


but you are right, it is easy to get carrie away when everyone makes everything so tempting :lol:




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well I'm safe from spending cos I don;t know what MBTs are :oops::lol:


You know, its the same as advertising; if you don't watch the ads, you don't know what you're "supposed" to be buying :lol:


send your credit cards down here- I'll cut them up for you.....promise!


*mutter, now where did I put my Vogue magazine?*


edit- correction- send them UP here- I notice you're in Somerset!!

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MBT's were mentioned a few days ago, from Pengy I think. They are specially designed shoes to improve posture and exercise muscles.


I'd love some to wear to school, but I'm not sure how they'd look with a suit, even the black ones?


I'd always thought that my most expensive shoes would eventually be something dressy, not trainers, but they are much more practical, and at least they'll get lots of wear. :D

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OK - I'm officially broke, and the cause, this forum! :) We were at an outdoor and caravan show today and DH and kids had gone to nosey round the boats. I was left holding their crocs and thought I'd look at some of the stalls around the edge. Lo and behold MBT's.

So with 10 mins to waste I had to try some on, and then obviously, they were really comfy, and £140 later DH has told me not to look at this site, :oops: as he says it's a bad influence! :):oops::D


Please don't recommend anything else! :lol: Perhaps health (or wallet) warnings should be issued first!!! :lol::wink:


:idea: :idea:


Perhaps we should have a special forum section for endorsements of exciting and innovative gadgets, articles of clothing etc.


It could carry a health warning, and if it was in it's own section, those of us who are skint would know not to click on it and be led into temptation. :lol:




I was observing a couple of yummy mummies out walking yesterday, both wearing identical trainery looking footwear.


My friend said....look at those two...why are they walking as if they have both legs through one knicker hole....and I was able to bang on about MTB's at length....the things you pick up on this forum.......without requiring antibiotics. :lol:

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I'll cut them up and I can be trusted to not spend. I don't own a credit card, dangerous things. I don't think I've bought any of the omlet fads either (though not always by not wanting) the only exception is a kenwood chef which I'm still watching on ebay but I wanted one way before omlet days. I've not been able to spen now that I'm so well trained I reckon if we suddenly came into money I would really struggle to treat myself as I have to justify everything.

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I was observing a couple of yummy mummies out walking yesterday, both wearing identical trainery looking footwear.


My friend said....look at those two...why are they walking as if they have both legs through one knicker hole....and I was able to bang on about MTB's at length....the things you pick up on this forum.......without requiring antibiotics. :lol:


Pity you didn't post this earlier then Egluntine :lol: - that's enough to put anyone off :lol:

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Things I have bought because of this forum -


Crocs - about 25 pairs (not all mine)

Egg Skelter

Tub Trugs

Orange plastic bag hen

Big garden wobbly hen ornament

Yankee candles - at leat 40

Newspaper bags

Recycled fabric bags


Oh, & I will also be getting a Roomba at some point

And a slow cooker

And probabaly a steam cleaner too.



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Oh dear - I'm sorry :oops:


I've been wearing mine at school all week - alternating them when I went down to the staffroom as they did look a little odd with skirts and at the moment I@ve only got one pair of trousers.


I've also just come back from a walk around the gardens at Hyde Hall in them. My back hasn't hurt once this week and I feel my posture is better. I hope my bum is getting toned too!

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Actually I'll take back that apology it wasn't really my fault


Your OH left you near SHOPS (well the equivelent) whilst he looked at BOATS.


Good job it was you that had the credit card and not him! It also serves him right for leaving you alone there...

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Things I have bought because of this forum -


Crocs - about 25 pairs (not all mine)

5 pairs....one pair "borrowed" by my daughter...never to be seen again :roll:

Egg Skelter


Tub Trugs

Ditto x4

Orange plastic bag hen


Big garden wobbly hen ornament


Yankee candles - at leat 40


Newspaper bags

Not yet but intend to.

Recycled fabric bags

Yes, From Snowy....x2


Oh, & I will also be getting a Roomba at some point

Got one

And a slow cooker

Already had one

And probabaly a steam cleaner too.

Got one....guilty of starting that particular craze.


Don't forget Remoskas

Bread makers

Panini makers

Sonic Scrubbers


There must be loads more too. :lol::lol:

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You're quite right it is DH's fault, I like that line of thought. :D


They are really comfy shoes though, I wore them all day today and I can really feel my muscles pulling, but they are dead comfy to walk in.


It's actually really good to have recommendations for all these things, at least it's not a random purchase.


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