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Advice please babies have hatched

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What have people done about putting food and water in there to give the babies a drink and food and where to put it as there in the egg port bit there very small l dont know how they would get out to drink and eat then how they would get back to there nest.advice please :D

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There mum is with them dont know how many yet as have not seen them only heard them going to get there food today.But they cant get to water yet or food.im wondering if the baby that died could not get back in the nest and died from the cold

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Oh dear tara - have you not got this all ready before they hatched???


If they have just hatched, they won't need any food for at least a day.....


If they are with the hen, she will show them how to eat, but you will need proper Chick Crumb and a small drinker specially for chicks - they could drown in anything else.


If they are in an Eglu then you should fill up the whole of the floor area - over the rungs of the perches - with shavings or Aubiose/Hemcore, and you will need to place a piece of wood securely from the door to out in the run for them to use as a ramp. Place the food and water near the end of the ramp.


.... and you will need to keep any other hens away from the mother and chicks....

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You poor thing, I'm so sorry to hear about your Dad, you could probably do without having to think about all of this duck stuff right now. I know nothing about chicks but good luck, I hope you can use their hatching as a comforting distraction and not another burden.


Lots of love m'dear


Mrs Bertie

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Thanyou to every one it has been very hard my mother is very down at the moment.I just feel numb right now :cry: But trying to be there for my mother.she enjoyed seeing the ducklings they made her smile l think she may like to have 2 which might help her through.Again thankyou all for your kind words.Even my dad would have loved seeing these little cuties.

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I am in a similar place to you right now. Just do what you can and leave what you can't. If it's important it will get done. If it isn't it doesn't matter that it's not been done.


Take time for yourself (even if that means just 5 minutes with your new arrivals or a quick session here).


My thoughts are with you.

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