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I have just finished reading a truly amazing book...........

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It isn't often that firstly I get t finish a book as I normally don't seem to have enough time or that I really enjoy the book as I seem to be bad at picking the good ones.

Well - I have just finished reading 'The Kite runner' by Khaled Hosseini .

I just has to post this thread as I still have the tears running down my face :cry: and I have been totally effected by the tale - but in a very possitive and uplifting way.

I believe that the book has been around for a while and a friend has mentioned that their was a film out a while back based on the book??

- Wondered if anyone has read the book or seen the film ?

Is it worth me getting the film out on Dvd when it comes out - or is it a poor interpretation ?

I am now looking forward to reading one of the books in the 'book club -thread'. I feel like I have found a love of books -again :P

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So glad you have enjoyed this and rediscovered a love of reading. It's something I've considered "reading" (I have to listen to audio books) and think I will order it from the library after reading your post. I heard about it on radio 4 a while ago when the author was talking about his next book. Hope that you will join in with the book club - sounds like it will be interesting. I've read the first book and got the next one waiting for me at the library.

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Ive read that book too - brilliant, brilliant, brilliant!!!


Loved every word on every page - cant praise it high enough.


You are right about the film however i never got a chance to see it as it was only on for a limited time at my local picture house but i will be getting it on DVD.


My boss, who hates the pictures, did go over the Christmas period and he watched this film and thought it was excellent! :D

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Right - that has decided me - I am picking The Kite Runner as my choice for the book club.


I was in a bookshop looking at it yesterday and thinking about it for our book club - then I logged on here this morning and found a message from Cinnamon asking me to put my choice forward now.....

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The Kite Runner has to be one of my all time favourites, it was so moving and totally unputdownable. I hear from friends that the film was very good too, I will try to see it when it comes out on DVD. I've bought A Thousand Splendid Suns and am keeping it for holiday reading this summer - I can't wait.


Perhaps we should have an Omlet online reading group!!! :wink:

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