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Sarah B

The Chicken Impossible Ringtone

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love it but how do you get it into the bl***y phone


right here goes...........


you need to register with mosh, including your mobile number


they will send you an email


click on link in email to authentic registration


come back here and click on link


log in (you should stay on chicken rintone page - if not just 'search' for it)


click on 'send me this' button


this will send a text message to the phone no you registered


when you get this text use the www address in the text to go online with your phone


your phone (assuming it can go online) will connect with the website and you can then scroll down on your phone to the 'download' button. Select this and hey presto it should download to your phone


I did all this three times....still hasn't worked as I don't have enough memory :roll::roll:


If this is as clear as mud..................please find a teenager who will do this in a nano second whilst rolling their eyes :roll::roll::wink::lol::lol:

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First I'm going to have to go on OH's computer upstairs (whilst he's not here - he's a bit precious about his computer :roll: ) as mine has lost it's sound. THEN I'm going to have to go and buy a mobile phone. Again. Third time in 6 months. First one fell down a drain and it took an hour to get it out - never recovered. Second one had a cup of coffee spilt over it - never recovered. And found the third one in the washing machine after a hot wash - it fell out of my pocket as I was loading the machine. It hasn't recovered. :roll:

I'm not sure I should be left in charge of technology.


Mrs B

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