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Photos of the new girls & extended run

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We collected our three new hens yesterday. They are in the walk-in run with the others, but confined to the omlet run within it, so that they can all get used to each other. This evening we let the big girls out to free range and then at the same time the newbies were let out of the omlet run and able to exercise in the main run.


So .... meet Clementine, Agatha and Pumpkin, as well as a photo of the extended run - increased from 12ft x 8ft to a whopping 12ft x15ft! The new cubes will be wired in, in place of the eglus.










(please excuse the tip that is our garden :oops: - OH tends to just drop things where he is standing, so he has been instructed to tidy up this weekend :evil: . We found the crabby rabbit cage in the shed, so that has got to go to the tip )


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I can't seem to access your pics..just get the little rectangles with red crosses in them.....but was very amused to see that you too have a Pumpkin - ours ot her name from my teenage daughter as we got her near Halloween...what about you? We also have aRuby but maybe that's a bit more common? :)

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Thanks everyone - Andy has done a brilliant job with the run - I'm really proud of him, although yes SJ he drops everything where he is standing in the house as well. I remember the days when I was young, free and tidy!


The girls pictures are in named order, the first one is Clementine, the Amber (white with ginger), - I named her because my grandad always used to sit me on his knee when I was little and sing the song 'oh my darling Clementine', and it reminds me of him. Agatha is the second photo. She is the skyline. She was named because I am sure I am very unlikely to meet an Agatha, and I am fast finding it hard to think of names which I do not associate with people (particularly as I meet a large amount if people in my job!), and finally Pumpkin, the Suffolk Blacktail, and the last photo. Do you know, I haven't a clue where her name came from! I think it may have been something to do with her personality, and also her colouring (mind you I am not at all sure why I named one Tuesday :? ) Funny how both of us have a chook named that :D Maybe Pumpkin is the new 'Jade' :lol: My bantam girlies arrive in the next couple of weeks. I am already shortlisting names for them :roll:

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I can identify with Pumpkin, as I have a Suffolk Blacktail too. My little Toffee is (secretly) my favourite. She make a high pitched noise like Beaker on the Muppets, which is very endearing. She is the lowest in the pecking order too, and I never could resist an underdog! :wink:

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Lovely set up and great pic's.


I've got an Amber Star too. She's not moulted yet but she has changed colour since she was a new girl. She was almost a white/cream when she arrived with little brown flecks, but now she's a definate cream colour with lots more brown at the tips. She is lovely and docile and a character.

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