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Refab hen door stops

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Has anybody seen the hen door stops that are made by the company Refab? They are great. You just fill them up with rice when they arrive.


I ordered two for school but they are not quite up to holding the heavy doors so I made a larger one. Now all the teachers want one and we are making them in themed fabrics.


I'm useless at links but the web address is : www.refab.co.uk


They are so unusual.

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If anyone wants to make one, here is the pattern I used. I can't remember the size of the rectangles though, but any will work, depends on the size you want it to turn out!


Sew around 3 sides, inserting a zip in the left hand seam if required.



This is the hard bit to explain. Open up the remaining, unstitched side and bring it together again so that the stitched seams meet. Stitch along that edge, but leave a gap if you didn't put a zip in.


Turn right way out, add eyes and fill with rice to make a doorstop. Stitch up gap (or close zip!) 8)

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Just got this offer through on email if anyone's interested. :lol:


SPECIAL OFFER: LOVE ECO is offering a FREE Green & Blacks Organic Fairtrade Easter Egg with every chicken doorstop purchased between now and midnight on Monday 17th March 2008. Hurry though, we can only run this offer until stock lasts, so buy your limited edition Easter gift now.



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