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yes we're lucky!

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Trying to fill time before friends last night we happened upon The good Life but only had 15mins left :( Anyway it was the one when Tom and Barbara try to sleep as sun sets and rise with the sun, complaining to margot and jerry that their party is too loud (after they had complained of the noise they made early in the morning) .They find out it's just 8.30pm so join them for a drink:oops: :oops::wink: It's us!!! :D



Relocation Relocation came next (just the end)and made me smile!


The people had moved to devon for the good life experience. Horses and of course chickens. She said she now saw rabbits and birds and could keep chickens and I thought we already do all of that and we haven't had to move to devon!!! Felt very lucky and realised that we don't need to move to live the good life, we are actually doing it. :P8)


Small holding no longer quite so desperate but in years to come who knows, quite happy with what we have for now. :D:wink:


Can hear spring this morning hope the sun is shining on you! :D



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Yes it is, thanks Buffie :D !! Gorgeous here. The chaffinches are singing in the garden (wish it was the robin really but nice to hear birdsong nevertheless!) and it looks like it's going to be a smashing day.


I agree with you! Keeping chickens was always my dream and I've achieved that :D . Anything else would be a terrific bonus but we're so lucky compared to others. We've got a little garden which we can grow some fruit, vegetables and herbs in. Some people don't have that opportunity or even the little space that we do AND we've got chickens!!! What more could I want!


I'm a happy bunny :wink: !!

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Yes kate, i think alot of people don't know that they can have the dream right now, wishin gtheir lives away for 'one day' but if you look at it differently it's just possible to have it now!


I'm looking at getting an allotment now to grow some veggies (we have some in our village). It's something new to me but it's got to be done!



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The secret of a "Good Life" is being content with what you have. This does not, of cause, exclude striving to improve or change your life. It means waking up in the morning with a content and hopeful mind for what the day will bring and to try to make the most of every moment. Its easier said than done I know, but whenever things get a bit stressy I just think how they could be! We are very privileged to live the lives we do :D

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:P Have just come back from a walk in the fields with Tori ... lovely and sunny here. Cleaned out the girls, and had a cuddle with Ebony .. as she was pecking my wellies for attention :wink: . Then did a spot of garden tidying, listening to the girls chattering away ... bliss. I am doing more in pots and spud sacks this year Buffie .... I am content with what I have, just glad the weather is on the up so I can get out and enjoy. The spuds are chitting nicely, and the 1st earlies will go out soon, and my yellow and red tomato seeds have germinated, along with the organic Basil .. so all on track. :D
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Its alright for some, stuck in a stuffy little office here with no windows.

Hi new here, did post on the rabbit section, just thought id introduce myself here, seemed as good a conversation to butt into as any.


My name is Jason, and i love this site, its like a little bit of countryside on the internet. Very relaxing and laid back.


Love all the talk about allotments and growing things, love The Good Life too, (especially Felicity Kendall) , is it possible to grow vegetables in pots? i might try it. (advice appreciated).


Nice to meet you all.

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Hello Jason and a warm :D welcome. yes well I am new to all this growing of veg stuff but being a barbara, along with many other babs on here, I have just got to give it a go. Strawberries, toms and potatoes are the plan :?:wink:8)


It has to be the next thing as dressing gown and wellies is now 'just the norm' so it's time to move it up a gear! :lol::wink:


Yes Sarah Jo I had a pootle in the garden yesterday my pekin buff 'hollie' did a spot of 'pot reorganisation' (clare you said they didn't do that kind of thing :wink: ) so I have to be prepared to really fill all my pots so they can't see earth and have a root around.



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Jason, nice to meet you. You'll have fun on here!


I have grown vegetables in pots and tubs and it was pretty successful. I have recently bought a book about growing vegetables in containers and will be following its advice this year. It's a great way to start if you don't want to turn your garden into a veggie patch or have limited space.


Whatever the reason for doing it, nothing beats growing, cooking and eating your home-grown produce. Good luck! :D

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Hi Jason,


Sorry you have an unattractive office. You need to make sure your inner space (inside yiur head) is much more spacious and light to compensate.


Container gardening for veg is a great idea and you can even use shelving to increase the space as long as there is enough light. If you put a cane in the middle of the pot you can make a netting wigwam to keep the hens off :idea:

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Beat me to it Louise ..... Jason .. the section on allotments and gardening is great, also Kooringa's www. for tips etc. Paddle stones ontop of pots will stop the chooks from emptying compost ... I just have to remember to remove them when the Hyathinths/Lillies are pushing up :roll::wink:

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Hi Jason,


Sorry you have an unattractive office. You need to make sure your inner space (inside yiur head) is much more spacious and light to compensate.


Container gardening for veg is a great idea and you can even use shelving to increase the space as long as there is enough light. If you put a cane in the middle of the pot you can make a netting wigwam to keep the hens off :idea:


Unfortunately i dont have any hens or chickens, would love to, but my other half wont let me, so growing the vegetables would be ok.


Im from the other side one of the rabbit owning brigade, but you have all made me feel welcome, i somehow feel like ive found a new home, Thanks.

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I am content with life too :D

We toyed with the idea of moving to somewhere with more garden and looked at a few places, one in particular. Then realised that Jack would have to change a subject at school if we moved :? So now we have decided to stay put for a few years.


We are just building a run extension to the chicken run which will be on my veg patch. Veg growing will be in pots this year. GYO had an article about growing soft fruit in pots so I am going to give it a try :D


I like my life, love my family and actually living here is pretty good too :D

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Hi Jason - we don't really do 'sides' on this forum - all one big happy family :D:D


Anyway, welcome. There is load of good advice in the gardening section, and lots on composting as well - don't forget what a valuable resource your rabbit droppings are :wink:


Re containers - you can grow anything veggie wise in a container. You'll need a good rich compost to start and regular feeding and watering. Don't forget all the cheap containers you can get. The bottom halves of plastic milk cartons can be hung on a wall to grow almost anything - I've done toms, onions, spring onions, strawbs, carrots, herbs etc. The cheapest tall thin containers (good for fitting lots in a small space) are florists buckets. Some florists give them away - my local one charges 10p!

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Unfortunately i dont have any hens or chickens, would love to, but my other half wont let me, so growing the vegetables would be ok.


Im from the other side one of the rabbit owning brigade, but you have all made me feel welcome, i somehow feel like ive found a new home, Thanks.


We will soon persuade you to get some chickens, Other Halves hold no fear for us. You're welcome any time to come an play with my chooks. :D

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Well said all of you, I agree so much with everything that you've all said. Sometimes it's too easy to focus on the problems, the pressures and the negatives.... but I'm so lucky, I have everything I need, a great family, fantastic friends and some wonderful pets. My garden's a disaster zone, but that's only because the children and chickens spend so much time out there enjoying themselves 8) , spring's finally around the corner and I can get out again and get this season's veg into the ground :D

I'm very blessed and everything important in my world is just peachy.... even though I too have just spent all day in a dull work office.... luckily enlivened by lots of interesting clients :D

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