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Help convince my hubby..

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that we DO need a dog!

I have been in touch with pug rescue, who sent me the application form for adoption etc.

I desperately want a doggie, but hubby is really not interested. He says until Holly our cat goes (she's 11), we can't have a dog!

Holly is like a dog herself, a floppy, soppy lump of a cat - not very cat like at all. But she's not a dog and very often is out the house & no company at all! She likes nex door but ones dog & they even rub noses!

A dog is cheaper than a baby - which neither of us want.

There are no university fees to pay with a dog

A dog does not live as long as a baby would, you are stuck with a baby forever.

It would be me that cleans up wee wee, poop scoop & take it for walks, he wouldn't do a thing.


Please help change his mind as I keep getting upset, I sometimes get lonely & a dog would be ideal.



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Personally I'm with you, only because I've always wanted a dog and have never had one.

What are the other reasons why Hubby says no (other than having Holly)?

Would you be home most of the day to be with the pooch? Would you have the time to walk it etc? What kind of breed would you like? I know you mentioned a Pug, some people say they aren't a good "starter" breed as they can often have sinus/breathing problems due to their funny nose.

If you could find an ideal breed and learn about them then when Hubby says no for various reasons, then you will be able to answer back with your reasons why that particular breed would be a good breed.

If it's going to be you who looks after it and walks, cleans up after it and train it then I don't see why not, but you need to value Hubby's opinion as well as yours, it needs to be a joint decision.


Good luck!


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Personally I couldn't live without a dog in my life, preferably two dogs, but some people are just not dog people and I guess your OH is one of them :(


I always find compromise and negotiation useful in these kind of situations.

Is there something your OH is lusting after so you could do a deal with him,

'you can have your massive tv if I can have a dog" kind of thing :) Would you consider a rescue dog, so you can tell him how nice it would be to give a homeless dog a lovely home? Reiterate again how you would be the one doing all the walking, training, poop scooping, all he would have to do is be nice to it :roll: How you feel lonely sometimes, and how useful it would be as a guard dog. Alternatively, you could just nag him until he gives in :wink:



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In any relationship there needs give and take , but if one wants a dog and the other doesn't , sparks will fly and a home can become unsettled just for the sake of another animal .

Give your OH time and take him to a few dog shows with dogs and doggy people , you'll know wheather it's a goer then .

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I feel a bit guilty now because i said to hubby "vicki's b!tch is having pups and i said we'd take one" he just replied that better get a b!tch as we have a dog already. so now have 4 month old border collie pup hadn't mentioned another dog before :shock:


going to dog shows sounds a good idea but i would probably go to a dog shelter together - just to look :lol:

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Tell the OH that you have changed you mind and now do want a baby :wink:

See how quick he changes his mind and says yes to a dog! :lol::lol::lol:


Excellent idea! :lol:

I would say tho that I was exactly the same last year and went on and on and OH said no, in the end I stamped my feet and went out and got one. And nearly got divorced in the process. I should never have done it but he and I are both very stubborn and neither of us would back down. Don't do it if it will REALLY cause problems. That said OH is currently up the pub having volunteered to "take the dog out" about 1 1/2 hours ago. Somehow they always end up at the pub :roll: . In fact when I walk her now and we walk past the pub she tries to drag me in - not a good look at 0930 in the morning. :shock: He loves her now, the kids love her and she's all mine for feeding poo picking, walking etc. In fact my new name is Poo monitor, if it's not chickens and babies it's dogs! :vom:


Hope your OH comes round, I love having a hug with my big dawg! :lol:


Mrs Bertie

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Maybe you could take him to your local dog rescue place? There's bound to be one pooch that tugs at his heart strings :wink: .


We have a rescue dog and I can honestly say it's the best thing we ever did (next to getting chickens of course :wink: ). The only thing you have to consider though, is where he/she would go if you go on away on holiday.

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I've grown up with dogs of all kinds, ones from true breeders, rescue dogs, ones that needed constant medical attention, yappy ones, old ones etc etc.

Hubby grew up always with dogs, even his sister can't understand why he won't back down. He worries about Holly the cat I think far too much!

I only really work mornings, the rest of the day - I work from home ( literally across the road). The dog can even come to our work unit with me - no problem. It would only ever be on it's own on a wednesday afternoon for a couple of hours. It could go with me when I go my parents house on a Monday, they don't mind. It would go caravanning with us at weekends.

I have someone who would have it when we go on our big holidays.

I've thought about where it can sleep...on the landing in a basket & put a baby gate across the stairs. It would probably end up on the bed! :wink:

There is even a poop bin across the road from our house!!! :D

Men can be so stubborn!

My dad was once the same! Then my mums friend brought her Kings Charles spaniel puppy round & dad was smitten. That was when I was 6 years old & they have had various dogs since. He adores Chilli - the little yorkie they have now, along with coco the chihuahua & Jack the chihuahua from the RSPCA. Chilli is daddy's girl! :roll:

Why are we so frightened of the men? I think I shall just nag & nag & nag. I might try the ' I want a baby' approach! Mind you there is something big he currently wants....a cherry picker! :shock: You know the things they use to change the bulbs in street lights. Boys & their toys eh?

Going my sister's in a bit & she has a dog - she will have a nice word with him I think!

Just daren't go out & get one ! :(



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it's any help it took me ages to persuade my OH that having a dog was a good idea :roll:


Now we have two, obtained from Manchester Dogs Home at Warrington, at different times, because after a year of haveing Holly he took very easily to the idea of another :lol:


They pester him everynight for a walk, and he loves doing it :lol:


Karen x

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I'm going to be unpopular here, but I'm not a doggy person at all (in fact, not much of a pet person :shock: ). Hubby & daughter have both wanted a dog and I have refused. I do have good reason, hubby has always started work at unsociable hours and he loves his bed, so I couldn't see him willingly getting up at 4am to walk a dog before leaving for work, and he and the children need reminding to wipe their own feet when they come in, so I have never, ever trusted them to clean a wet, muddy dog when they come in. I have a very good friend who loves dogs.........and her house constantly smells of dog :vom: . Love her massively, dislike the smell of her house :shock: . Her dogs are pleasant enough as dogs go, but a bit like other people's babies, great to see and stroke (cuddle) for a while but I'm very happy to hand them back and beat a hasty retreat after a while.


So, I know I'm strange but quite honestly if my hubby had ever done anything as big as getting a dog without my consent I reckon it'd have caused a major, major rift...........I personally would find that really hard to forgive. It's a massive commitment after all. You say no university fees for dogs..........no vets bills for children :wink: . And babies grow up and become independent, dogs might stop chewing the furniture when they grow out of puppyhood, but they need a lot of training, care and committment for a very long time.


I'm not saying don't go for it, you sound like a dog person and you've obviously thought this through and clearly are willing to do all the work necessary, but work on hubby, reach compromises. Just don't do it without him agreeing :wink: It is a big committment for both of you, and I really think that you should both make that decision together.


Oh, and I'd definitely divorce him had he ever, ever, ever even thought about allowing a dog to share our bed. Sorry, but sharing my bed with a pet is so not my idea of fun.

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Hubby never wanted me to get a cat which I always thought was very unfair as his mum had a cat and he named it and doted on it when he lived with them, so I really didn't think that he should have much of a problem. I thought the benefit of company for me and for a family pet for the children was worth it, so in the end I went out and got my kittens. BUT 5 and a half years on we still argue about it practically every week because he hates them and cannot be nice to them. The kids and I love having them but his attitude is a strain.


If I were you I wouldn't get a dog, or would definitely wait. When my current cats have gone I won't get another one because of his attitude, it's just too stressful.


Can you indulge your love of dogs another way by helping out at a dog rescue centre or similar? It will mean a much happier homelife if your hubby's anything like mine and maybe down the road he will change his mind as he sees how much your own dog would mean to you.

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Heavens, I now see how lucky I am! Phil had necer had a pet at all when we met, and I had a menagerie!'

Since we got married it 's got bigger!The kids are'nt included in that statement!!

I'd love a dog as well, but as we both work, it wouldn't be fair, so we haven't.

They DO take time,and care, and do make a mess, and shed hairs, and dirt, and when it's pouring down, cold and dark, then who wants to walk them???

I'd still have one tho'; the ctas would be singularly unimpressed though!!!

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Is it just me that doesn't want animals with dirty feet and smelly bottoms in my living quarters and all over my furniture?


I find the idea of having a dog sleeping on the bed too gross for words :shock:?


I don't mind patting other people's dogs and stroking their cats but have no desire for one myself.


Fortunately Him Indoors feels the same.


Good luck in persuading your OH Craftyhunnypie. :lol:

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I find the idea of having a dog sleeping on the bed too gross for words :shock:?




DH says there are two sorts of people in the world, those who let the dog sleep on the bed and those that don't. I am definitely the former. My dog

is too old to jump on my bed which is quite high, I am thinking of making her a little ramp to help her up :roll:



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[quote name="Tessa the Duchess"

I always find compromise and negotiation useful in these kind of situations.

Is there something your OH is lusting after so you could do a deal with him' date='

'you can have your massive tv if I can have a dog" kind of thing :)



I wouldn't go there - could you cope with Amanda Holden .. and a dog.


Seriously; we had dogs from 1978 until 2006. Scotties and Wire haired fox terriers. Never less than two at a time until the last five years.


they were brilliant.


Now we have none. and we don't have to worry about the dog, and we don't have the vet's bills, and we don't have the mess in the garden. chickens cost a lot less to feed, no vets bills, eggs to eat ....


So I'm not rushing for another dog - and if I feel the need, I 'borrow' a friend's terrier and go for a walk with it. Best solution.

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Well been my sisters & although he says that Pegs (my sisters Parsons Jack Russell) is his favourite dog, there is still no way he will have a dog. I'm not in the best of moods with him at the moment..he doesn't understand. I can't even love & cuddle the cat at the moment & as for loving my hubby at the moment...forget it!


We are staying in Bridgnorth over Easter - what fun that is going to be.

' you're not having a dog, you're not having a dog...you're not having a dog'! Grrrrr



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I find the idea of having a dog sleeping on the bed too gross for words :shock:?




DH says there are two sorts of people in the world, those who let the dog sleep on the bed and those that don't. I am definitely the former. My dog

is too old to jump on my bed which is quite high, I am thinking of making her a little ramp to help her up :roll:




ARrrgghh. Having an animal sleep in, or on, your bed is gross in the extreme. We had a dog for nearly 30 years. Not the same dog obviously.


and the dog was never allowed upstairs.


I wouldn't have had them in the house, and I made a kennel for them. But her indoors allowed them in. But they weren't allowed upstairs, and they were only allowed in the living room on their chair - which had their blanket on it. That was the only place they were allowed.


I have my chair too - with my special blanket and I'm not allowed anywhere else.


Its a bit wierd in our house.


But I'm allowed upstairs.

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