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Wiggly Wigglers

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I haven't had my copy :(:(:(


I did get the crocus plant catalogue :D:D:D and might have ordered this

http://www.crocus.co.uk/plants/_/vegetables/small-vegetable-garden/classid.2000009191/ :oops::oops: In my defence, all my seedlings except peas got destroyed in the storm last week - a gust a wind must have got into my little greenhouse and dislodged all the trays onto the ground. Didn't realise until I saw a chook running out with a seedling in it's beak :roll::roll:


I love wiggly wigglers - I think they have got an eglu - I know that if you ordered the wormery or mealworms from the Omlet shop it comes via WW

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We went on a Wiggly Open Day in 2006 and it was interesting to see where they're based. They have a lot of their products being used 'for real' so you can see how they look, how well they withstand the weather, etc.


We picked up a couple of items reduced (as they'd been used at trade shows).


We also had a lovely home-made cake and coffee :-)


The only downside was that it was much smaller than we'd imagined and it only took us a couple of hours to see/do everything so you might want to combine it with a trip somewhere else? We went on to Hay-on-Wye (and had a cream tea!! :oops: )



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