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Rolo Rabbit

Shirley is crouching!!!!

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We are exactly the same we had our 1st and 2nd egg yesterday and a 3rd today and we forgot that was the main reason we got them. After having them for 5 weeks and having no idea how how they were when we got them i was thinking it was going to be weeks until we got the 1st egg. I did think dad played a trick because the 1st egg was in a bowl with some sawdust stuck to it and i thought he had stuck some to it to try and be funny. I havnt tasted one yet as my little sisters are having the 2 left for their breakfast tomorrow so if they lay tomorrow i am insisting i get one!



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Speaking as one who got her first egg today after Mildred had been crouching for a week, Yes!!! it shouldn't be long now. :D


What I really love is that them crouching gives me the opportunity to pet them. Mildred is getting really friendly and almost purrs when I stroke her now. She's also taken to following me around the garden chattering away. It's kind of like a low tooting. Considering the chooks were almost feral when I got them, this is fantastic. 8)

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Like superjules, Doris started crouching on Wednesday, and now she's crouching ALL the time whenever we go near her. No egg yet, but I'm certain it's imminent. She kind of presses herself into the ground and puts her wings out to the sides like she's up on her elbows, and sticks her bum in the air. The tart!


I'm excited for you as well as myself now!!



(green eglu)

GNR Doris, Welsummer

PP Dora, Wyandotte

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