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Enoying the sunshine!

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Well my girls were out for over 3 hours today while i pottered around the garden, wow the time flew by , they had a great time really exploring the garden today rather than staying near the run. I also saw my first sunbathe they do look funny :lol:

Ebony drinking up the sun!


Amber and Ruby enoying some heather hubby had pulled up:



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Lol i had a thick coat and woolly hat , it snowed a couple of times ! Things you will do for your chickens :lol: i tidied the garden up nicely though, i'm lucky to even set foot in it this time of year.

I was sold Ebony as Bovan Nera which she def isn't but someone on here said she was a Pied Suffolk. Unsure really but shes a hybrid

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Ah voila query solved thanks very much.


Yes they are very well behaved so far. Not much noise yet so little that the close neighbour didnt even know we had them and when he saw them said. wow their quiet lol i hope they continue being good!


Aww yours is cute can't wait till mine get combs and wattles lol

She has what looks like white earlobes/flaps (whatever ther called :oops: ) so hopefully she will lay white eggs!

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When I bought her I was told she'll lay slightly pinky-brown eggs. Hopefully I won't have too much longer to wait to find out - she started crouching 14 days ago! I got her on 21st feb and was told she was 16 weeks at the time, but she looked slightly more mature than the others around her so maybe a week older. She's now 21/22 weeks. How old is your Ebony, BarbaraJ?


She's just gone in the henhouse, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

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There's an egg! :dance:


She came out, they all made a racket, so I looked in the front of the house and there's a small egg in the 3rd nest. I can't open the nest box to get it though as Yum-yum is in the 1st nest and I don't want to disturb her.


Oooh, I'm so excited. That means half my girls are laying now, and Sylvie is crouching too so it won't be long.


19 weeks, so she's probably 2-3 weeks behind Magpie, BarbaraJ.

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