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I didn't mean to do it but.....

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...we went to Wenlas yesterday and came home with some new girls! :shock::lol:


Just intended to go for a nice day out, but they had some lovely little Silkies for sale,and I just couldn't resist. :D


We got a cuckoo who is around 16 weeks and a dark partridge who is a bit younger at around 14 weeks. They will need to be kept separated from my other girls for around 4 weeks, they told me at Wenlas.


We've got them in the 2nd eglu and run, within the walk-in run. Scully, my top chook is posturing and complaining like mad, but can't get at them. The new girls are very sweet and feather-dustery. I did take some pics yesterday but they are rubbish, so I will try and take some better ones. Just a taster.....



We have some name ideas, but nothing is agreed on yet, so suggestions would be very welcome. :D [/img]

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yup yup, MIL and FIL are in Kington in Worcestershire, and we were up there for a couple of nights. :D Very handsome young man caught our new girls for us too. Didn't manage to persuade them to have chickens though, although I think a pygmy goat might be on the cards.


Funnily enough, the Domestic Fowl Trust is quite handy anyway, simply because it has good train links and I often don't have the car.

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Aww they look lovely :)

We've had hens from the Domestic Fowl Trust before - it does take us ages to get to though, and we've been quite disappointed sometimes with their range... sometimes we go there and there doesn't seem to be many hens :? Just bad timing or has anyone else found that too?

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We went to the Domestic Fowl Trust in January, just to have a look! Up to our knees in mud - husband was not impressed. They didn't have many breeds for sale then, and the ones they did have were crammed into tiny cages, about 4 or 5 to a cage. I didn't think it was very nice to be honest, I would prefer to choose my chooks from a load of them running about in a field :D


On Sunday we are going to the Devonshire Traditional Breeds Centre on the way back from the MIL's. But I can't buy any 'cos I haven't got an Eglu yet - unless anyone's got any ideas for a temporary home ??!! :think::?

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Mmm we've bought a few hens from them before, but like I said, never that great a selection and last time their advice was pretty sketchy. Queenie, my latest, was got from a gorgeous place which I can't remember the name of, in Thame, and they had all kinds of birds running around! Very helpful, and the birds looked healthy and happy.

Anyway, I've pulled away from the subject a bit :oops: But lovely little silkies!!

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