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New Job!

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Well after last year's 9 months in Residential Child Care where the role was more custodial than caring (and I damaged ligaments in my already painful wrist), I had been on the look out for another part-time job. Actually I'd have been perfectly happy sitting on my ever-increasing back-side at the computer all day, interspersed with going out to play with my chooks :roll: , but the money was getting tight so needs must.


I applied for a job as Laser Surgery Advisor at Optical Express - doing pre-op assessments and post-op follow up (so still a bit of my nursey background coming in to play). I got the job, however, I have to do 3 months Optical Retail and training first. So I started today in a branch near me, 3 days a week.


Perks - 70% off my specs, 35% for family and friends and FREE Laser Surgery if I can pluck up the courage to go through with it!

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Oooh, congrats on the new job.


I'd been thinking about laser surgery for years, my prescription hadn't changed for nearly a decade and OH kept nagging me to do it (easy for him to say!). Went for my annual check last year and my eyesight has improved and my prescription has changed!! :roll: Glad I didn't fork out to get it done now.

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I've had laser surgery TWICE!


Its totally brilliant and I@d thoroughly recommend it, so would Mum. Not sure I'd recommend Optical Express though as I don't know enough about how they run that side of the operation.


To save me typing it all out again - theres a link to where I've told the tale (in just under 2000 words!!!) , mind you that was in 2000 - I can now add to that there has been no further deterioration in my sight. Mum also hasn't had deterioration but some other surgery she has had on her eyes (to sort out problems NOT caused by the laser surgery) has affected the laser repair. Interestingly her surgeon says that despite laser repair you are still technically short sighted as short sight is a condition at the rear of the eye and the laser surgery is done on the front of the eye so when Mum has had her other treatment they have treated her as a short sighted person.



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Thanks everyone :D . It's weird, starting a job yesterday then not in today - I'm in Thursday/Friday, but the chooks can get a whole day out today. I thought they would be in the huff when I let them out for an hour last night but they had rewarded me with 12 eggs + a duck egg :shock: .

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