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oh my goodness, i feel a total muppet. i am going to guernsey for work in the morning and i have lost my purse!!!!!!! i have had to cancel my card and i have no money. i feel such a plank. paul has gone to get me some money to take with me. why couldnt i have happened in a couple of days time.



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Oh Laura :(


There is never a good time to lose your purse but be glad you noticed it was missing and cancelled your cards as you would have felt even worse if you hadnt noticed and your account was emptied! :shock: I know it isnt going to make you feel better but at least you were quick off the mark!


You have a great OH too! :D

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I hate it when that happens :evil: Last time it happened to me, it turned out to be my daughter feeding my credit cards through the grill on the boiler cupboard door :roll: Unfortunately I cancelled my cards before I discovered this :roll::lol:


Last time it happened to my SIL it was Lauren - she'd hidden his wallet in his shoes :roll:

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