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Martin B

Super Sean

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I can't believe he has spent much time with you without you're enthusiasm rubbing off Martin, is he any better at saving though?? maybe you can be the entrpeneurial force selling the eggs and he can be the financial whizz kid cooking the books so you can prove that the economics of the eglu actually work. :):)


anyway hello to Sean

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Because I'm a Villa Fan, and buy away tickets+travel, season ticket and they are expensive!

By the way Sean is signed on as a guest because Mum and Dad have to give consent for him to use the forum as he is under13! He will be signed on as Super Sean from Monday!

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Come down here then Martin.... I seriously think that my 14 year old son could give you a run for your money. He lives and breathes the beautiful game.... and I'm seriously bored with muddy kits and boots.

Charlton are playing again tomorrow. How sad... I'm minus a son again all day, playing in the morning, watching in the afternoon :wink:

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