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ideas please- stuck in a rut

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I feel a bit daft posting this but I'm hoping for some inspiration!


I seem to be the main influence in this house as to what we do, going out, etc etc and I feel like we are stuck in a rut. DH is working long hours, kids at school, I work part-time but still have a lot of energy for other stuff...


Sometimes it feels like life is passing me by, and I'm having a bit of an early mid-life crisis!! Other folks have lots of commitments time wise...and I seem to be spending rather a lot of time alone :cry: (albeit with the chickens!!! :lol: ).


Sorry all- don't want to put a downer on your Friday evening but suggestions welcome- many thanks for listening.

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"The best thing for being sad , replied Merlin, is to learn something. That is the only thing that never fails. You may grow old and trembling in your anatomies, you may lie awake at night listening to the disorder of your veins, you may miss your only love, you may see the world about you devastated by evil lunatics, or know your honour trampled in the sewers of baser minds. There is only one thing for it then, to learn.


Learn why the world wags and what wags it. This is the only thing which the mind can never exhaust, never alienate, never be tortured by, never fear or distrust, and never dream of regretting...look at what a lot of things there are to learn"


(T H White-from 'The Once and Future King')


how about an instrument, learn photography or a new language? Take a night school course and learn something new :D


If you want to involve the whole family, go to museums, galleries, stately homes, walks in the woods, foraging in the hedgerows, go camping! :D

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Very nice quote Poet :) I absolutely agree. Think of something that interests you, that you can get really involved in, maybe wine making, or antique furniture, or join a real life book club, dressmaking etc., Just start with night classes, or day classes if you have child care. Not only will you learn something new you will also meet others who are interested in the same things as your are and new friendships may result. To be honest I think a lot of us are feeling a bit jaded right now, the lousy summer last year, the terrible weather right now, it's depressing and doesn't boost one's energy levels :( Keep us posted :)



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I agree - learn something (revive an old interest?).


Or volunteer to help someone/something. Apart from the obvious - does your local college run Basic Skills classes - they like volunteer helpers (adults learning to read, write etc).


Both of these mean you will meet new people and if its something you are interested in, you meet people with interests in common.


What about joining in with a sponsored event like Race For Life? You don't have to run but you can spend some time 'training' beforehand if you are not fit - that will get you out to the park with a purpose.

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I always wanted to learn saxophone but at school was told that young ladies don't play saxophones. About three years ago, hubby bought me a saxophone for Christmas. I started learning properly with a teacher about eighteen months ago and a month or so ago I told him that I wanted to go in for gradings so now I am studying for my grade 3 jazz saxophone exams....Ahhhhh!!!!


I am also learning to play the clarinet so that I can help my son with his clarinet lessons.


Take up drums or piano or double bass or anything else that you have always wanted to do.

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Get out and burn some energy via KEEP FIT classes .


Ask all your family what days out they'd like in the coming months and book days trips out .


You're not alone , life is so fast here and a week can pass by before we even seem to realise .



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Agree with all of the above (love the quote, Poet!) Volunteer - it must be something you think you'll enjoy doing, but there's a volunteer job for everyone whether it's gardening, Brownies, helping with reading, elderly people or animals - whatever interests you. Or start an evening class - there must be something you've always wanted to do.


I wasn't sure if it was something to involve the whole family that you were looking for. In that case, why not get every member of the family to suggest one thing that they'd like to do (you can set a budget, so they don't go mad!) and then take it in turns to do it once a month. Is there a sort of family hobby that you could all have a go at, orienteering or pony-trekking or just long bike-rides in the park?


I live on my own, and although I have a large and supportive family, I would go mad without my girlfriends to offload, let off steam and have a laugh with!

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I took a French GCSE in 2002, got an A* too! :lol:


But more importantly, I met a girl, similar age to me who is now one of the best friends I've ever had. Her husband is French (He was my DH's best man at our wedding in 2006) they got married in Cyprus in 2005 and we went with them. She now has 2 little boys who are the cutest ever and we've had many enjoyable times together.


Probably one of the best things I ever did was take that course!

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Id love to learn to ride! My sister goes on hacks every weekend.


Shes at an agricultural Uni, Haper Adams in our town so she has lots of time for it, and the horses etc.


But shes been riding for 8 yrs.


How long have you been riding rhapsody?


I agree, though, take up something. You could go to a 'stitch and b!tch' knitting /gossip class. They are very friendly.

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Id love to work part time but then we are never happy with what we've got are we, being off work recovering has been a pain but now that I'm a bit more mobile & can potter about my green house & veg patch I'm as happy as larry, not too sure how I'm going to cope when I go back to work.


Feeling loney or bored is horrid I agree with the other posts, find something that you miss or would like to learn, I've always fancied learning salsa/latin american dancing

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How about tracing your family tree? I started in feb & it is amazing what you find out, my BH bought me the cd rom of the BBC Who do you think you are, it takes you step by step. That would invlove the whole family in the end as you can proudly show the results.

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I'm only just over the Hampshire border in West Sussex..........you could always pop over for a cuppa and we can talk chickens and children :D:D:D


Not sure if you want something for you or whole family or both :?::?:


Volunteering is fun (our local animal rescue centre is always looking for people), a course at night school can be fun - I did Stain Glass window making a few years ago and it was great fun :D:D:D


Family days out - walks in the woods with a quest to find the strangest looking tree, walks on the beach with a quest to find a heart shape pebble - used to keep my 2 occupied for ages :D:D


It's hard when it's always you motivating the family.........sending (((big cheering up hugs ))) :D:D

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WOW!! I am absolutely bowled over by all your great suggestions and helpful thoughts-




Yes I am looking for things for me and for the family as a whole.


I agree with you Anne that we are never happy with what we have got- this makes me feel extremely guilty, but I think it is part of what makes us human.


Someone died last week who I knew, and it was terribly tragic, and its really got me thinking about how we only have one life, we don't know how long we've got, and how getting stuck in a rut is not the way to live.


So! Volunteering is an option- (not sure being a magistrate is my cup of tea though Egluntine! but thanks for the suggestion!), hadn't heard of the Ladies Circle before, WI hmmm not sure the WI is ready for me or me for it just yet :wink: (no offence to anyone who is a WI member of course), like the idea of talking chickens and children!! :lol: , and of course family days out.


Instead of me dictating who's doing what when :roll: I asked my children where they would like to go this weekend and they said HMS Warrior in Portsmouth, so with a jaunt up the Spinnaker Tower (always wanted to go up that) we should have a fun time.

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Instead of me dictating who's doing what when :roll: I asked my children where they would like to go this weekend and they said HMS Warrior in Portsmouth, so with a jaunt up the Spinnaker Tower (always wanted to go up that) we should have a fun time.


Been to both and had a thoroughly good time :D:D:D:D the Spinnaker Tower is absolutely brilliant and on a good day you can see for miles :D:D

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